Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Clerics of Njordr, Part III

Spells of Njordr
Who knows where the sea flows?

1st LevelCreate Water, Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food and Drink, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary, Entangle (D, usable on fertile growth), Shield*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link)Warding^ (link)

2nd Level: Augury, Bless, Delay Poison, Holy Chant, Hold Person, Resist Fire, Silence 15' Radius (useable upon unpleasant noises), Speak with Animals (sea creatures or livestock only), Find Plant (D), Call Champion^ (link), Conjure Realm^ (link)

3rd Level: Animal Growth (sea creatures or livestock only), Cure Blindness, Cure Disease, Dispel Magic, Locate Object, Prayer, Remove Curse, Gust of Wind*, Water Breathing*Enchant Food & Drink^ (link)

4th LevelCreate Food and Water, Cure Serious Wounds, Lower Water, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Evil 10’ Radius, Summon Animal I (D, sea creatures or livestock only), Temperature Control (D, to make it more pleasant), Attune Arms & Armor^ (link)

5th LevelCommune, Cure Critical Wounds, Plane Shift (to Vanaheim only), Commune with Nature (D), Control Winds (D), Call Maiden^ (link)

6th LevelFind the Path, Heal, Part Water, Speak with Creatures (sea creatures or livestock only, which can also be used to increase harvests of them by 1d4 x 25% per month)

7th LevelControl Weather (over fertile land or at sea only), Regenerate, Restoration

New spells. Njordr is usually served by fey lords and elemental water lords. His cleric-types thereby can cast spells like Bestow Fey Blessing & Curse and Create Watery Food & Drink, just like those who follow similar divinities.

Prisoner of Giantesses
a Njordr Encounter

The icy touch can bring great pain if not properly sated.

In honor of Hymir's daughters alleged humiliation of Njordr, a group of frost giantesses have captured a cleric of Njordr, demanding that he give them prosperity and fertility. The party has been tasked with retrieving him from their chilly clutches. They dwell in a series of thick coniferous cold wood clearings. The party would be wise to use their heads or even seek guidance before venturing there, for the giantesses are mighty indeed.

Frost Giantesses
12-14’ tall, 20 STR, MV: 40’, AC 4, HD 9, Attk: 1, Dmg: 3d6, SP: Immune to cold, those hit must save vs. spell/ make a Will save DC 15 or experience some malady depending on which giantess it is (see below), SV: F9, Mor: 10, Items: light armor, horned helms, great axe, 4d12 sps
Appearance: fair complexion, tall & athletic, blond or red hair (appearance can vary based on Volume V adjustments, see below)

Rella (gripe): causes itching (-1d6 to all rolls)
Grípa (lay hold of): causes aching (-1d6 to physical rolls)
Harma (grief): causes congestion (-1d4 to mental & social rolls)
Gretta (grimace): causes gas (-1d3 to all rolls)

See Volume V for additional options that would allow the giantesses to be more monstrous (or attractive), unique, and/or magical. For example, Rella could be a hrimjotun thurs, Gripa could have a rime hide, Harma could be a hrimjotun with jotungaldr, and Gretta could have a pet dire wolf and a wolf barbarian ability.

While powerful, each can be overcome by certain healing remedies: oils, herbs, and the like that treat the malady they cause (per Referee). Once exposed to a remedy that matches, roll 1d4 to see what happens to the giantess:
1. She is repelled, moving at least 120' away.
2. She immediately falls asleep. If she falls in a character's direction, they must save vs. paralysis/ make a Reflex save DC 15 or possibly be crushed for 3d6 damage.
3. She laughs, being good-natured and doing little else.
4. She hugs the presenter, being amiable and even an ally; that is, if he survives the hug for 2d6 damage. If so, she may have just found herself a new husband. 

Each square = 10'. 
The edges of the forest act like walls. Characters who attempt to push through the trees will 
find them impassable unless they have some special ability or magic to allow them to do so.

Location 1
It's quite cold here, though the tall, snow-capped trees block the worst of the wind. A few inches of snow crunch beneath your feet. The sky above is clouded with yet more lightly falling snow. Two paths lead away: one to the southwest, one to the southeast.

The snow slows movement by 1d2 x 5' at all locations, except for the frost giantesses of course.

Location 2
A giant woman strides into view, and she looks irritated, so much so that it seems to set one's skin on edge.

It is Rella.

Location 3
With a strange, creaking sound, a giantess is spotted. Seemingly coming from her joints, they don't seem to bother her, but they may bother you.

It is Gripa.

Location 4
The winds are fully stifled here, though something is off. The appearance of another giantess could be the explanation, while mucus begins to build in one's nose. 

She is Harma.

Location 5
This place is darker, for the trees bend over the clearing, nearly enclosing it fully. A final giantess strides forth with a cruel smile on her face- one that can rumble one's innards.

And here's Gretta.

Beyond is their prisoner, a norseman with reddish brown hair and beard. He has been tussled and abused by their ministrations. He otherwise looks in good health, though he smells off due to the giantesses micturating on and having their way with him. His pouch of 34 gps, (soiled) scale mail armor, and (+1 magic) trident are cast aside, to be collected or returned to him if the party succeeds.

Sighvat Isulfsson
Lvl 4 Norse Cleric of Njordr, Align: N, MV: 40’, AC: 9, HD: 4, HP: 23, Atk: none (currently disarmed)
SP: Njordr mysteries, spells prepared:
    1st Level: Create Water, Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food and Drink, Resist Cold, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link)
    2nd Level: Bless, Holy Chant, Speak with Animals (sea creatures or livestock only), Find Plant (D)
SV: C4, Mor: 8, Items: holy symbol, dirty clothes, others listed above.
Appearance: medium complexion, medium built, reddish brown hair and beard

Next week: Priestesses of Idunn!
RPG srd Old School 1st ed AD&D Njord