Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Priests of Zagreus, Part II

Divine Tests
Realms beyond are revealed via transcendence of the flesh. 

1-11. From below comes great strength and challenge. The priest loses access to some of his spells (50% chance for each one), possibly including his turn ability. Roll 1d6 to see what things he must do to get them back.
   [1] Walk barefoot underground or at night for 3d6 turns.
   [2] Feast upon raw meat of a hard-to-find variety.
   [3] Contemplate whence one came and where one shall go for 3d6 turns.
   [4] Receive 1d2 damage, or some other passing unpleasantness of the flesh equally unpleasant.
   [5] Experience betrayal, whether someone or something relied upon that now failed to assist, whether unsurprisingly or not.
   [6] Be especially dark and grim, unnerving at least 1d2 would-be jovial individuals.

12-17. Inner darkness arises, but the truth of one's spirit watches. The priest is altered for an increasing duration every time he experiences this test. First is for 1d6 hours, second is for 1d6 days, and third is permanent. Roll 1d7.
   [1] Become horned, gaining an extra melee attack for 1d4 damage, though some might confuse him for a demon or devil.
   [2] Zeus lay with Persephone in the form of a dragon. The priest now gains such an intimidating presence as Zagreus' father, causing all (whether friend or foe) to save vs. death/ make a Will save DC 10 or wish to leave if they aren't ready to fight.
   [3] Sing dirges to the dead, being like them, or at least found to be as solemn and forgotten by those who fail a Wisdom check (DC 15).
   [4] Leanness comes upon him, causing the priest to suffer -1d2 to Charisma-related rolls with those who don't particularly like the slender.
   [5] Become driven to oppose those who fail to appreciate Zagreus, especially solar or sky worshippers, thereby expanding his cult.
   [6] Like the underworld, the skies within 1/4 mile of the priest become dim and gloomy when he's above ground, unless some other force or magic comes to wash it all away.
   [7] The titans begin their trial, taking away one of the priest's body parts. Roll 1d6 to see which it is:
   [1] right hand, [2] left hand, [3] right foot, [4] left foot, [5] heart, [6] genitals.
A quest might be needed to reclaim it sooner than the duration's expiration.

18+ It is time for titans to dine. Will the priest return again? He vanishes, consumed by them for 1 day per divine test result over 17, taking 1d20 damage too per day gone. If he perishes as a result, he may be reborn as a cleric of Dionysus (per Referee), much as the threshed grapes become wine. If he perishes again, he would become a priest of Zagreus again, for he is first-born after all. Otherwise, they may all just disappear.

Folk Variations
Select guidelines, magical side-effects, divine tests, and spells of similar gods can be substituted for and with those of Zagreus to provide additional options.

Arawn: focusing more on the otherworld, the hounds that hunt there, and the fated cycle.
Dionysus / Bacchus: enjoying the intoxication and liberation itself.
Hades / Dis Pater: the wealth of the underworld emphasized rather than its carnal power.
Odin / Woden: deep insight from the trials of life and return.
Veles: dark, serpentine, watery, and wolfish to undermine that which might control you.

For example, a cleric of Dis Pater could have the same turn ability, some of the same magical side-effects, tests, and spells as a priest of Zagreus, and vice versa.

Mystic-Seers of Zagreus
Treat those who follow him and similar divinities as Greek seers (link), except that Seer Magical Side-Effects result #5 should be to partake of raw meat. Mystic-seers of Zagreus partake of this far more than cave vapors.

Rustic, shield bearers who protect Zagreus (and also Dionysus or young Zeus), they can be found in his sacred places and called upon by his faithful. They are also known as Curetes (in Crete), Daktyls ('fingers', who are also workers of metal and possible progenitors of the other types), and Telchines (an entirely chthonic variety).

Skilled in preventing discovery by making metal noise and even soothing maenads and similar types, they engage in swift battle-dances when war is upon them. Well-armored, but quick, they have an aptitude for causing fear in their foes as well.

Their special abilities can include:

Noisy Distraction: Prevent others within earshot from being overheard or subject to any form of divination when clanging their shields. Usable at will, but only lasts as long as the corybante does so, and will certainly draw attention to themselves in the process.

Soothe Chaotic-type: Can automatically calm a maenad or other ecstatic or frenzied individual within earshot, though it's unlikely to be received well if Zagreus or another divinity would wish it to continue. Usable thrice per day.

War Dance: Prancing about, the corybante must lock eyes with his adversary, who then must save vs. death/ make a Will save DC 10 or suffer a -2 penalty to all rolls during the battle. Usable twice per day.

Armored Swiftness: Can ignore any movement penalties from armor they're wearing. Usable at will.

Corybante Types

Corybantes (new class) 
* They fight as fighters (using their bonus to hit, HD, and saves), but gain no weapon specialization or other special abilities. 
* In return, they gain the use of either:
    - one of the special abilities above and/or
    - a 1st level spell of their 
god or goddess that can be used once per day 
Select one for every odd level they have (1st, 3rd, etc.). They then abide by that divinity's magical side-effects and tests when using them.
* What is more, they must save vs. death/ make a Will save DC 10 to engage in wild dance or orgy whenever suitably tempted, for it is in their nature, after all.

Corybantes (spirit or magical being)
Instead of being mortal, they can be spirits too, generally invincible (see Volume IV), or can be more interactive and vulnerable magical beings. Grant them corybante abilities from the list above.

Next week: spells of Zagreus and a Zagreus encounter!