Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Lords of Blastings, Part III

Blasting Tests
Divine might can be too much for mortal wielding.

1-6.  The blasting fails to meet its mark. The spell instead targets a random individual in range, possibly including the caster. Whoever it hits will certainly consider it to be quite a pain in the backside.

7-12. Magic of a different color, it has the effect of a different type of lord. What would be devilish, might be angelic; what would be elemental fire, would be elsewise, much to the target's (and the caster's) surprise. Roll 1d5, rerolling to get another besides one's own lord in this case if need be: [1] angelic, [2] fey,
[3] elemental, [4] demonic, [5] devilish.

13-17. None are permitted for a time now. The caster cannot use the Blasting spell or similar evocation magic for the next 1d3 days. Others within 120' when this occurs must even save vs. spell/ make a Will save DC 15 or suffer the same. Reflection is encouraged instead in order to have wiser blastings in the future.

18+ This is one to remember. Both results #1-6 and #7-12 occur (see above), targeting a random individual with the effect of a random lord. What is more, the caster then becomes quite taken with such enchantment, having to save vs. spell/ make a Will save DC 15 to restrain himself from not casting Blasting or similar magic whenever remotely possible. Luckily, he can cast such spells at will for a time, though further tests are likely sure to follow. The situation lasts for the next 2d6 hours per blasting test result over 17, often punctuating his remarks with explosions, with many wanting to know by what name is he known.

Divinities & Cults of Blastings
Energy can come from on high, below, or in-between, though only more aggressive and magical deities would go so far as to blast.

Greek & Roman
Apollo: angelic & elemental fire
Ares / Mars: demonic & elemental fire
Artemis / Dianafey & elemental earth
Athena / Minerva: angelic
Dionysus / Bacchus: fey & demonic
Hades / Dis Pater: devilish & elemental earth
Hecate/ Trivia: angelic & demonic or devilish
Hephaestus / Vulcan: elemental fire & earth
Hera / Juno: angelic & devilish
Hermes / Mercury: angelic & fey
Poseidon / Neptune: fey & elemental water
Zeus / Jupiter: angelic & elemental air

Norse & Anglo-Saxon
Freya / Freoangelic, fey, & elemental fire
Heimdall: angelic
Hel / Hellia: demonic & elemental cold
Hretha / Sigyn: fey & elemental air
Loki: fey & devilish or elemental fire
Odin / Woden: angelic & elemental air
Skadi: angelic & elemental cold
Surtur: devilish & elemental fire
Thor / Tunor: angelic & elemental earth or air
Thrym: demonic & elemental cold
Tyr / Tiw: angelic

Arianrhod: elemental air & devilish
Balordemonic & elemental fire
Ceridwen: angelic or fey & demonic
Cernunnoselemental earth & fey
the Dagda: angelic or fey & elemental earth
Gwydion: fey & elemental air
Lughangelic & fey
Manannan mac Lir: fey & elemental water
the Morrighan: fey or angelic & demonic

Ilmatar: fey & elemental air
Lemminkainen: angelic & fey
Louhi: devilish & demonic 
Mielikki: fey & elemental earth
Ukko: angelic & elemental air
Vainamoinenangelic & elemental air

Baba Yaga: devilish & fey
Dazbog: fey & elemental fire
Morana: devilish, demonic, & elemental cold
Perun: angelic & elemental air & water
Svarog: angelic & elemental air & fire
Veles: fey & demonic

Balor: demonic & devilish
Enak: elemental fire or air & devilish
Johnny Applesneeze: devilish & demonic
Nergal: demonic & devilish
Orcus: demonic
Tezschnaz: demonic & devilish

The Touch of Death
A Lords of Blastings Encounter

Mortals granted slaying power might just take it a little too far.

A series of deaths have occurred in a nearby settlement. The party (roll 1d6):
[1] only hears rumors of it.
[2] notices a Wanted Poster asking for help.
[3] is approached by concerned townsfolk.
[4] finds a corpse on their own.
[5] is informed of an acquaintance's passing.
[6] (reroll twice)

The nature of the deaths will likely be based on which type of lord was invoked (roll 1d5):
[1] Only the wicked seem to be slain. (angelic)
[2] They met with especially bad luck. (fey)
[3] Fire, burning, cold, shock, or some other natural force seems the cause. (elemental)
[4] Their demise is particularly horrific. (demonic)
[5] The cause of death is hard to know. (devilish)

If the party decides to investigate, they will eventually find the culprit to be a/an (roll 1d6):
[1] disgruntled resident.
[2] jilted lover.
[3] fanatic seizing the day.
[4] otherwise innocent driven over the edge.
[5] scofflaw.
[6] tyrant-to-be.

Since Blasting is a 1st level spell (and most villagers have few hit points), the culprit need only be a 1st level spellcaster, or higher as the Referee sees fit. The challenge will likely be with catching them, made more difficult by the culprit's intelligence and skill (roll 1d6):
[1] an utter fool.
[2] a simpleton.
[3] one whose luck has run out.
[4] a reasonable adversary.
[5] strangely lucky.
[6] quite diabolical (if not actually devilish).

Smarter and higher-level adversaries would make use of invisible and/or delayed blastings (see Part II), potentially keeping their identity secret longer, so that they may commit more slayings, possibly even of those investigating them. 

Next week: our series continues with Lords of Arms & Armor!