Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Lords of Arms & Armor, Part I

Take hold of what sustains you.

Ways of Arms & Armor
They harm or protect against:
Angelic: the evil and the disorderly
Fey: the evil and the orderly
Elemental: those who embody two other elements or non-neutral alignments
Demonic: the good and the orderly
* Devilish: the good and the disorderly

Working with Arms & Armor
Though not enchanted in the typical manner, such can still be useful indeed.

Attune Arms & Armor
3rd Level Cleric Spell
Casting Time: 4d6 hours
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Effect: Grant a weapon a +1 bonus to hit and damage verses certain types of foes based on which type of lord is invoked. Alternatively, grant a suit of armor or shield a +1 bonus to AC and to saves based on the ways of a lord too. The enhancement lasts until the weapon or armor is broken, though the caster may only have up to their level in total of arms and/or armor so affected at a time. 

For example, a sword could be made angelic so that it did +1 to hit and to damage vs. those who are evil or disorderly, or a shield could be enhanced to grant +1 AC and saves vs. the same. If the caster was 5th level, he could have up to 5 such weapons and/or armor so affected by him at a time.

See Part II for additional options for arms & armor: granting greater bonuses, bonuses against different foes, and even more extraordinary abilities.

Magical Side-Effects of Arms & Armor
Roll 1d12.

1. Accursed Arms or Armor: The spell fails and is lost it would seem. There's also a 1 in 3 chance of triggering an arms & armor test, making the caster wish that it had only failed.

2-3. More Work Needed: The attunement has just 50% of its usual strength unless the caster spends an extra 2d6 hours working at it. If it would normally grant a +1 bonus to hit and damage, then at 50%, only one of them will apply. Armor would only gain a +1 AC or save bonus too.

4-9. Standard Effect: The arm or armor is enhanced normally.

10-11. Potent: The spell's effect is increased by 50%, doubling either just a weapon's bonus to hit or damage or granting armor just double protection to AC or saves.

12. Well-Attuned: As Potent above. What is more, the caster can select what additional attunement occurs for the arm or armor (see Part II). Still, there's also a 1 in 3 chance of triggering an arms & armor test in any case.

 For example, a cleric casts an elemental fire attune arms & armor on an axe and gets 10 as a magical side-effect. Once the spell is complete, the axe is then imbued with either a +2 to hit and +1 to damage or a +1 to hit and +2 to damage watery or cold beings.

Next week: Additional Arms & Armor Attunements!