Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Lords of Champions, Part I

When called on to battle, champions serve their true lords above all else.

Ways of Champions
Champions prefer battling those who are.
Angelic: evil or chaotic
Fey: evil or lawful
Elemental: not of the same elemental makeup
Demonic: good or lawful
* Devilish: good or chaotic

Working with Champions
Special: The Call Champion spell can be available to cleric-types who follow certain divinities or cults that correspond with various lords of champions. Such associations determine what types of champions can be called too (see Part III). What is more, the power and special abilities of the champion summoned can also increase with the caster's level.

Call Champion
2nd Level Cleric Spell
Casting Time: 1d3 rounds
Duration: 1d3 turns
Effect: Attempt to call a champion. There’s a 20% chance per caster level of it succeeding, minus the champion’s HD x 5. For example, a 3rd level cleric can attempt to summon a 2 HD champion and have a 50% chance of success ([20 x 3] – [2 x 5] %).

If successful, then the champion will arrive and the cleric-type can beseech his martial assistance for the spell’s duration. See Champion Magical Side-Effects below. 1d3 failures to cast this spell will provoke a champion test. Fitting offerings (e.g. food, drink, a weapon gift, etc.) can increase the chances of the champion arriving, being helpful, and even remaining longer too, per Referee.

At the end of the spell's duration, the champion will usually return to whence he came.

Champion (Base Stats)
MV: 30’, AC 5, HD 1, Atk: 1, Dmg: 1d8 (by weapon*), SP: per champion type, SV: F1, Mor: 10
*gains +1 damage per even HD too (+1 at 2nd, +2 at 4th, etc.)

Champion Types
For every odd HD they have (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.), champions gain a special ability based on what type(s) they are. See Part II for details.

Magical Side-Effects of Champions
Calls to arms may vary. Roll 1d12 when a champion is successfully summoned. The results can then be modified by -2 through +2 depending on the level of honor (or dishonor) of the one summoning him, the importance of the engagement, and if food, drink, or other offerings are made (per Referee).

1 or less. Who Dares Summon Me? The champion believes the summoner is actually the one found wanting and will refuse to fight as directed. He will instead seek out and attempt to heedlessly slay those of opposing alignments (good vs. evil; law vs. chaos) for the spell's duration. Even more, every time this result is experienced thrice, the summoner will trigger a champion test.

2. A Fight Unworthy: Knowing that there may be better battles to be had, the champion will only fight at -1 to all his rolls for the duration, but will fight for the summoner nonetheless.

3. Nearly Ready: The champion will arrive to do battle on the summoner's behalf, but only 1d20 rounds later. Hopefully, there will be enough time to melee in spite of his tardiness.

4-9. To Battle: A usual result, the champion will fight at the summoner's direction.

10-11. A Fight Worthy: Not only does the champion gain a +1 bonus to all his rolls during the engagement as he fights for the summoner, but gains +2 if facing another fighter or champion of equal HD or more who is of an opposing alignment.

12 or more. Inspired Combat: As per A Fight Worthy above, plus other melee combatants assisting the champion may also gain a +1 bonus to all their combat-related rolls for the fight as well, galvanized by his greatness if their alignments match his.

For example, a 4th level caster attempts to summon a 1 HD champion. With an 85% chance of success, he does succeed and his player rolls on the Magical Side-Effects of Champions table. He gets a 3, indicating that the champion will arrive within 1d20 rounds, after which time he will fight on the summoner's behalf for the spell's duration: 1d3 turns.

Next week: Champion Tests and Powers!