3. Aeolian: free-flowing
Temple's Access is Forbidden to (d8)
Sacred Space (d20)
Reflecting the sea or other travel, such places sometimes embody one of the following (roll 1d12):
1-2. Set your sails for adventure!
3-4. Respect the sea, ‘tis Lord Poseidon’s domain
5-6. 'Tis good work in avasting ye scallywags!
7. There’s Poseidon’s work in earthquakes too
8-9. Horses, Horse Totem
10. Bulls, Bull Totem
11. Fish, Fish Totem
12. Rivalry with other gods
13. Abduction of potential wives, and the resulting offspring
14. Archaic, Mycenean
15-20. No special emphasis
Random Ocean Encounters
(See Volume I)
- Located near the coast (66%)
- Located on an island (if not an island already, 33%)
Various types defend Poseidon's sacred places, often depending on their nature.
Nautical Types (1d12, 66% chance)
Salty seamen, some might even be pirates (a base 25% chance)
Mve: 40’, AC 8, HD 1, Attk: 1; Dmg: 1d6 cutlass, SP: +1d4 bonus to seaman rolls (or also piracy, if pirates), Sve: F1, Mor: 8, AL: N or C
Per hoplites in Volume I, also gain a +2 to hit horsemen or when near the sea, but a -2 penalty to all rolls when fighting on uneven terrain.
Wild Animals (1d6, 33% chance)
(roll 1d8): [1-2] horses, [3-4] bull, [5-6] fish, [7-8] other animals of the sea.
Nereid (1d12, 25% chance, 55% if Underwater, on an Island, or at least Near the Coast)
MV 40’/ 80' swim; AC 9 (0 vs. those who are attracted to them); HD 3; Atk (none); SP: allure, charm person, animal summoning, plane shift, alter self, breathe water, water form (can turn to water and back after 1d3 rounds)- all as level 7 clerics of Poseidon; SV: M9; Mor: 6, AL N
Merfolk/ Triton (1d6, 15% chance of either, 75% if Underwater, on an Island, or at least Near the Coast)
MV merfolk: 10’/ 180' swim, triton: 30'/ 160', AC 7, HD 2, Atk 1, Dmg: by thrusting weapon, SP: breathe water, leaders have magic items, SV: F2; Mor: merfolk 8, triton 10, AL N
Oceanid (1d8, 15% chance, 25% if Underwater, on an Island, near a Spring, or at least Near the Coast)
MV 40’/ 100' swim, AC 9 (0 vs. those who are attracted to them), HD 5, Atk (none), SP: allure, charm person, animal summoning, plane shift, alter self, breathe water, wave strike (as flame strike, but is made of and requires a body of water), control weather (near water)- all as level 9 clerics of Poseidon, SV: M11, Mor: 7, AL C
Fishman (1d12, 10% chance, 35% if Fish, Fish totem is honored)
MV: 30’ (swim 80’), AC: 7, HD: 1, Atk: 1, Dmg: by thrusting weapon, SP: aquatic, may have 1d3 other fish totem abilities, SV: F1, Mor: 6, AL C
MV: 40’, AC: 6, HD: 6, Atk: 2, Dmg: 2d6 (gore) & by weapon (+2 damage), SP: can gore for double damage on a charge, surprised only on a 1, immune to mazes, 50% chance to track, gains 1d3 randomly determined bull barbarian special abilities, must save vs. death/ make a Will save DC 10 to not engage in violence or other carnal appetition, SV: F6, Mor: 12, AL C (see the upcoming Volume V for additional options)
Siren (1d6, 10% chance)
MV 40’/ swim 80'; AC 9 (0 vs. those who are attracted to her); HD 3; Atk (none); SP: +1 weapons or better required to hit, breathe water, charm person at will that draws men to them (save vs. spell/ Will save DC 15 negates), 33% chance of having bird wings allowing flight at 120' per rd; SV: E3; Mor: 7, AL: C
MV 40’; AC 4; HD 10; Atk: 1 club or boulder; Dmg: 2d10 or 2d6; SP +4 to attack would-be guests; SV F10; AL C)
(see the upcoming Volume V for additional options)
Other special properties: located near the coast, +3 bonus to all rolls made to enjoy adventure and the sea, a node is nearby.