3-4. Horgr (stone shrine)
5-6. Burial Mound
9-10. Standing Stone
Sacred Space (d14)
The area will reflect at least one Odinnic concept.
Special Properties (for all hofs of Odin)
- At the Hof: Any Norse can gain a +1d3 bonus to any rolls that reflect its sacred space (per table above), up to 3 times per day.
- Sacred Times: When it is significant to Odin at the hof- windy times, clear skies, brilliant skies, Wodensdays, holidays, or the like, all Norse spellcasters can reroll their magical side-effects, but must take the second result, up to 3 times per day. Those who specifically follow Odin can gain a +4 to the roll if they give up something for a time (1d6 hours), and may even pick which results they wish to use.
The sacred halls of the Allfather may require guardians, though Odin knows all.
Einherjar Warriors (mortal, non-classed Norse warriors; 1d12, 33% chance)
MV 40’, AC 7; HD 2; Atk: 1; Dmg: 1d6+1 (longsword, spear, or axe); SP: can ignore 2 hit points of damage per day; SV: F2; AL N.
Valkyrie Shieldmaidens (mortal, non-classed Norse warrior women; 1d9, 33% chance)
MV 40’, AC 6; HD 1+1; Atk: 1; Dmg: 1d8 (longsword or spear); SP: +2 to all rolls vs. 1 foe for 1 battle per day; SV: F1; AL N.
Watchful Ravens (1d12, 25% chance)
Highly intelligent (and insightful) ravens, they patrol the hof grounds, loudly cawing to announce the presence of visitors. 50% of them will be in spirit form instead.
MV: fly 120’, AC: 6, HD: 1-2, Atk: 1, Dmg: 1d2 peck, SP: very observant & clever, those startled must save vs. death/ make a Will save DC 10 or take -2 to all rolls for 2d3 rounds, SV: F1, Mor: 6
Odin Wolves (1d6; 20% chance)
Potent, but insightful.
MV 55', AC 6, HD 2+1, Atk 1, Dmg: 1d6 (bite), SP: +2 to hit and damage foes when at least 1 other wolf is attacking them as well, SV F2; AL N.
Ulfhednar (wolf totem warriors; 1d12, 20% chance)
Mve: 40’; AC 9; HD 1; Attk: 1; Dmg: by weapon +1; SP: Wolf Fury (see Volume I), Sve: C2; AL: N
Einherjar (actual Norse spirit warriors; 1d9, 15% chance)
MV 40’, AC 7; HD 8; Atk: 1; Dmg: 1d6+3 (longsword, spear, or axe); SP: has a 25% chance of ignoring any damage they would take; SV: F8; AL N.
Valkyrie (actual Norse spirit warrior women; 1d9, 15% chance)
MV 50’ (faster when mounted); AC 1; HD 9+2; Atk: 1; Dmg: 1d8+6 (longsword or spear); SP: Inspire heroism (+2 to all allied rolls), see also Volume I; SV: F9; AL N.
Sacred times: clear skies, brilliant skies, holidays (see above).
1. The path: Sandy and rocky, the trail to the hof promotes pensive silence, though the cawing of 4 watchful ravens may alarm those who don't follow Odin.