4-6. Horgr (stone shrine)
7-8. Hut
11-12. Caves
Sacred Space (d12)
The area will reflect at least some Helian concept.
1. Bring death upon those chosen by Hel
2. Spread disease when needed, it aids in death
3. Stop the spread of people, famine is an invaluable tool
4. There is also a time for sloth, it slows life
5. Remain hidden
6. Witchcraft (Trolldomur/ Haliuruna)
7. The Underworld (Niflheim/ Eljudnir)
8. Serpents & Monsters
9-12. Two-faced, dual nature of death/ life (reroll twice)
- Sacred Times: During times sacred to Hel at the hof- crescent moons, night, holidays, or the like, all non-lawful Norse spellcasters can reroll their magical side-effects, but must take the second result, up to 3 times per day. Those who specifically follow Hel can gain a +1d3 bonus to the roll, and even pick which results they wish to use.
Many might protect Hel's sacred places, but who might be protected from them?
Helian Cultists (3d4+1; 50% chance)
MV 40’, AC 9, HD 1, Atk: 1 dagger, Dmg: 1d4, SP: +2 to save vs. fear, SV: F1, AL C.
Undead Spirits (1d9; 33% chance)
MV fly 50’, AC 4, HD 4, Atk draining touch, Dmg: 1d4 CON, SP bless (reversed), invisibility, incorporeal, immune to non-magical weapons, SV C4; AL C.
Zombies (1d12; 25% chance)
MV 30’, AC 8; HD 2; Atk: 1 slam; Dmg: 1d8; SP: undead traits; SV: F2; AL N.
MV 40’; AC 5; HD 9+3; Atk: 1 slam, Dmg: 1d8+2; SP undead traits, powerless in natural light, silver or blessed weapons required to hit; stake to the heart, decapitation, sunlight, etc. required to slay; can drain life (benefitting self only) as cleric of Hel; can also cast command, enlarge, haste, strength at will; SV: C9; AL C.
See also Random Temple (Hof) Encounters and also Unsettling Encounters in Volume I.
Sacred times: night (see above).
1. Outside & Entrance: Carved stone makes this dark, mysterious structure. A forward portion juts out, entered only it seems via a single, heavy door.