2. Expectant mothers
3. Children
13-16. Another aspect of Artemis (see Part I)
1. Ionian: smooth, natural, 75% chance of being somewhat painted
2. Dorian: practical, natural, 25% chance of being somewhat painted
Temple's Access is Forbidden to (d6)
1. Men
2. Foreigners
3. Non-virgins
4. Defilers
5. Those who have wronged Artemis in some other way
6. Reroll twice
Random Temple Encounters
(See Volume I)
Temple Guardians (d4, roll multiple times for larger temples)
Apart from any of her armed clergy, others can be called upon to protect such places:
1. Peltasts: These lightly armed hit-and-run fighters can make a Dexterity check with a +1 bonus per level to avoid a resulting melee attack when fighting in this manner. If successful, they then end up 1d3 x 5' away from the attacker at the end of the attacker's turn (if possible). They are otherwise HD 1-1, cause 1d6 damage per hit, and are AC 8; that is, if melee attackers can catch them! See more details here.
2. Toxotes (Greek archers): HD 1 and cause 1d6 damage per hit. They will be lightly armored though, more like hunters, using any cover around the temple so their AC will be from 6 to 8, preferring ambush.
3. Amazons: Per Volume I, they can also gain a +1 Strength along with +2 to ranged rolls to hit since one of their breasts may be removed.. In return, they suffer a -2 to all rolls made when attempting to harm other women, and even lose their strength bonus when in the service of men. See additional details here.
Those who specifically follow Artemis can reroll their magic side-effects up to once per day while anywhere within the temple grounds, but must take the second result.
* Access is forbidden to non-virgins.
Peristasis (columns around the temple): All Greek cleric-types can reroll their magical side-effects up to once per day, but must take the second result.
Cella (the temple's main sanctum): Those who specifically follow Artemis can reroll their magic side-effects, gaining a +1d3 bonus to the roll, even picking which ones they wish to use, up to 3 times per day. Greek cleric-types who don't specifically follow Artemis can gain the same benefits as at the Peristasis above. In all cases, the chances of triggering divine tests are also doubled at this place since a 7' tall statue of Artemis is watching.
5. Tunnel Cave: Once used in sacred rites for birth and rebirth, the area hasn't been used for a time, though its potency remains. It spans roughly 100' with a height of 4 + 1d4'. Those passing through who align with virgin, telluric, and/or primal energies will gain a +1d3 bonus to all rolls for the next 1d3 hours. Those who align with the lustful and/or unnatural will suffer the reverse. All others will be unaffected.