Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Clerics of Woden, Part I

Anglo-Saxon God of Magic, Kingship, Inspiration, & Death

Tenets of Woden
* Be cunning in your craft; wise, poetic
* Establishing your rightful place
* Giving into wild abandon when needed
* Gaining inspiration in your doom

Clerics of Woden
Special: Woden is served by clerics and runecasters (detailed in Part II)
Allowed Weapons: Spear, staff, seax
Allowed Armor: Chainmail and shield or lighter
Symbol: Horse, Ravens, Tree, Irminsul
Can Turn: Otherworldly beings
Mysteries of Woden: Clerics of  Woden 
can cause themselves or another within 60' to either have a +2 bonus to a damage roll or a -2 penalty to make a save. They may do so up to once per day per level.

Folk Variations
Select guidelines, magical side-effects, divine tests, and spells of similar gods and spirits can be substituted for and with those of Woden to provide even more options.

Cernunnos (Celtic): he is also known as Lord of the Wild Hunt, lending a more naturalistic bent to Woden's ways. See Volume II for details.

Odin (Norse): very similar, Odin is described in Volume I, and the rules for both can be traded as desired, emphasizing various aspects- or even be combined to offer greater selection. Note that Woden is presented here as more wild and lacking some of the later associations that Odin has.

Raven Totem: can provide more cunning and mystery (link).

Wolf Totem: can bring in more viciousness and speed (link).

Next week: Clerics of Woden, Part II!