Boar shamans and other cleric-types who call upon the totem gain access to certain spells. Otherwise, they follow the guidelines of totemic magic (link).
1st Level Spells (d8)
1. Boar Companion: as Animal Companion (D), but must be a single boar. And though it may not be pleasant, it can be ridden.
2. Boar's Heart: as Remove Fear (reversible), but only if the shaman is cornered or charging.
3. Detect Pleasures: as Detect Magic, except that it senses the presence of food, treasure, and other niceties at quadruple the usual range.
4. Gorge Away Light Wounds: as Cure Light Wounds, but only works on those who partake of food and/or other pleasures afterwards.
5. Hog's Mist: as Obscuring Mist (D), but also emits a hog odor, alerting predators that there is boar-kind inside.
6. Porcine Protection: as Protection from Evil, but only works in areas where food, treasure, and/or other comforts are available.
7. Squeaker's Constitution: as Strength*, but confers only 1/2 the bonus, and it is applied to the recipient's Constitution, rather than Strength.
8. Swine's Purify Food & Drink: as Purify Food and Drink, but those who partake will certainly eat like pigs.
2nd Level Spells (d9)
1. Boar Hide: as Barkskin (D), but only works on those who follow the ways of the boar.
2. Boar Spirit: as Unseen Servant*, but is faster (like a boar), can only push things, and can even attack ethereal foes.
3. Hog's Health: as Neutralize Poison, but only works on those who follow the boar's ways.
4. Not By The Hair On My Chinny Chin Chin: as Find Traps, but works on potential ambushes and deceptions instead.
5. Phantom Boar: as Spiritual Weapon, but appears as a spirit boar that can keep attacking even if the shaman doesn't concentrate. It also has a 25% chance of either stopping to partake in pleasures or to charge a random individual each round though (equal chance of either).
6. Pig of the Sounder's Constitution: as Strength*, but the bonus is only applied to the recipient's Constitution and only works on those who have just partaken of food, treasure, and/or other pleasures.
7. Porcine Blessing: as Bless, but grants a +2 bonus to hit and to damage to allies who are either cornered or charging instead.
8. Speak with Boars: as Speak with Animals, but only works with swine-kind, who do become slightly friendlier with the casting (they remain boarish though).
9. Swine Stink: as Stinking Cloud*, but must be targeted on those located behind (or at least downwind of) the shaman.
3rd Level Spells (d8)
1. Boar Cure: as Cure Disease, but makes the recipient hot and boarish for the next 1d6 turns too. They also must engage in some pleasure afterwards.
2. Boarskin Magic: as Polymorph Self or Other*, but can only take on or grant the form of a boar or other porcine creature.
3. Entelodont Size: as Animal Growth, but just works on boar-kind.
4. Goring: as Striking, but the bonus can only be used by those who are cornered or charging.
5. Old Boar's Constitution: as Strength*, but the bonus is only applied to the recipient's Constitution and with a +2 bonus, along with no limit of 18.
6. Porcine Protection 10' Radius: as Protection from Evil 10' Radius, but only works in areas where food, treasure, and/or other comforts are available.
7. Smell Object: as Locate Object, but detects any treasure, food, or other pleasure, even if specifics about them aren't known.
8. Swine's Create Food & Water: as Create Food & Water, but must then be 'pigged-out' upon.
4th Level Spells (d7)
1. All the Way Home: as Haste*, but can only be used to aid in retreating or escaping.
2. Boar Call: as Summon Animal I (D), but just summons boars.
3. Boar's Exorcism: as Exorcism, but only works on non-boar type spirits.
4. Enchant Boar Arms: as Enchant Arms*, but only works on those allowed by the boar totem.
5. False Boar's Hoard: as False Gold*, but boarish-types are immune to the ruse.
6. Gorge Away Serious Wounds: as Cure Serious Wounds, but only works on those who partake of food and/or other pleasures afterwards.
7. Grand Old Boar's Constitution: as Old Boar's Constitution, above, but the bonuses are +4.
5th Level Spells (d5)
1. Boar Communion: as Commune with Nature (D), but only works in areas where boars inhabit.
2. Feast of Sæhrímnir: as Create Food and Water, but can be consumed once again after it's finished.
3. Gorge Away Critical Wounds: as Cure Critical Wounds, but only works on those who partake of food and/or other pleasures afterwards.
4. Greater Boar Call: as Summon Animal II (D), but summons a giant boar or wereboar.
5. Greater Boarskin Magic: as Polymorph Self or Other*, but can just take on or grant the form of a giant boar or wereboar.
6th Level Spells (d5)
1. Boar Chariot: as Fire Chariot*, but is drawn by boars who aren't fiery, and each can be ridden separately instead.
2. Boar's Hold: as Guards and Wards*, but can only be used on a place holding food, treasure, or other pleasures.
3. Hog's Path: as Phase Door*, but must lead to a place containing, food, treasure, or other pleasures.
4. Porcine Realm: as Plane Shift, but only transports to and from places dominated by boars and porcine-beings.
5. Swine's Summons: as Instant Summons*, but no gem is required and the item can be worth no more than the caster's level x 50 gold pieces.
Next week: Totems: Boar, Part V!