Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Priestesses of Aphrodite, Part III

Spells (Aphrodite)
Priestesses of Aphrodite have access to the following spells. Targets of their enchantments save at a -6 penalty if they would be sexually attracted to them.

1st Level: Command (if it’s erotic), Create Water, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary, Allure*, Charm Person*, Sleep*

2nd Level: Bless, Resist Fire, Reveal Charm, Snake Charm (on phalluses), Enlarge* (on sexual body parts), Amnesia*, ESP* (only hearing erotic thoughts), Levitate*

3rd Level: Cure Blindness, Cure Disease, Prayer, Remove Curse (reversible), Dispel Magic*, Suggestion*, Summon Monster* (nymph or siren)

4th Level: Cure Serious Wounds, Lower Water (reversible), Neutralize Poison, Charm Monster*, Flame Charm*, Tongues* (must be used romantically, of course)

5th Level: Commune, Cure Critical Wounds, Feeblemind*, Polymorph Other*

6th Level: Heal, Part Water, Power Nude Blind (as Power Word Blind*, but requires the priestess to be unclad)

7th Level: Regenerate, Restoration, Mass Charm*, Power Nude Kill (as Power Word Kill*, but requires the priestess to be unclad and bathing), Sympathy*

1st Level (d8): Blessing, Detect Magic, Holy Sanctuary, Resist Cold or Heat, Word of Command (if it’s erotic), Charm Person*, Enlarge* (on sexual body parts), Sleep*

2nd Level (d10): Curse, Lotus Stare, Neutralize Poison or Disease, Restore Vitality, Snake Charm (on phalluses), Charming (as Strength*, but boosts Personality instead), ESP* (only hearing erotic thoughts), Forget*, Levitate*, Monster Summoning* (Nymphs or Sirens only)

3rd Level (d4): Remove Curse, Consult Spirit* (fair maiden, fey, or nature), Dispel Magic*, Water Breathing*

4th Level (d2): Sanctify, Polymorph* (others only)

5th Level (d2): Greater Sex Charm (as Charm Person*, but is cast with a +15 bonus if the target would be sexually attracted to the priestess), Mind Purge*

Align: C
MV: 40’ (swim 80’)
AC: 9*
HD: 3
Atk: None
Dmg: None
SP: +1 weapons or better required to hit, breathe water, charm person at will that draws men to them (save vs. spell negates)
SV: E3
Mor: 6

Appearing as very attractive, nude, bathing women, sirens are related to nymphs, but are more fey in nature. With their charm effect, they take joy in luring men to their doom, beckoning them ever closer into dangerous rocks and waters with seductive songs. Those few who are lucky enough to actually reach them in one piece are then whisked away by the siren to a pleasant Otherworld to live out their days in euphoric bliss, while those who don’t still die with foolish smiles upon their mouths.

DCC RPG stats:
Init: +3; Atk none; AC 10*; HD 3d8; MV 30’ (swim 60’); Act 1d20; SP +1 weapons or better required to hit, breathe water, charm person at will that draws men to them (Will save DC 15 negates); SV Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +4; AL C 

Avatar of Aphrodite
Align: C
MV: 40’
AC: 0, must save vs. spell to harm her through
HD: 16
Atk: none
Dmg: none
SP: Aphrodite cleric spells/abilities (caster level 22), must save vs. spell to attack her, constant Charm Person effect on those who would be sexually attracted to her, may exhibit Divine Test results 10-15: #5 &/or #6 (75% chance for each)
Magic Resistance: 75%
SV: E24
Mor: 6

Irresistible entities of immeasurable, womanly beauty, Aphrodite Avatars love to roam about in the nude, partaking of any and all pleasures they can find. Such indulgences will please many who cross her path, though others might be upset by such wantons displays of lust. Still, few can resist the constant charm effect from an Aphrodite Avatar’s supple, voluptuous form, with many having Attendants Erotes and/or Kallipygos Ends (from divine tests #10-15), making them even more heartrendingly passionate and difficult to resist. Last, they may bestow a boon upon those who pleasure them best, whether intentionally or not, typically bestowing beauty and/or lovemaking prowess.

DCC RPG stats:
Init: +9; Atk none; AC 20, must make a Will save DC 15 to harm her through; HD 16d6; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Aphrodite cleric spells/abilities (caster level 22), constant Charm Person effect on those who would be sexually attracted to her, may exhibit Divine Test results 10-15: #5 &/or #6 (75% chance for each); SV Fort +12, Ref +22, Will +12; AL C 

Aphrodite Encounters

1. The party encounters an outstandingly attractive woman. She is (roll 1d6): [1] walking by, [2] lounging, [3] looking for a ‘big, strong hero’, [4] looking to make a scene, [5] bathing, [6] sleeping (50% chance of being nude).

If interacted with, the woman turns out to be a (roll 1d10):
   [1] normal, albeit gorgeous peasant woman
   [2] porna (low-class prostitute)
   [3] hetaera (high-class prostitute
   [4] priestess of Aphrodite
   [5] noblewoman
   [6] witch
   [7] nymph (see Volume I)
   [8] enticing nature, fey, or fair maiden spirit (see Volume II)
   [9] siren
   [10] Avatar of Aphrodite

See Volume I to generate What is So Attractive about her (from the table of that name). In any case, the party’s reaction will make things turn out either pretty or not so pretty.

2. Someone slips an aphrodisiac into a random party member’s drink, compelling them to approach the next remotely appropriate individual they see. Unless already known, that individual will have a Charisma (or Personality or Comeliness) score of 1d20, so there’s a good 25% chance that they won’t regret it later.

3. A place of remarkable beauty is found. Along with it being a Node (see Volume II), those there can ask Aphrodite to have someone fall in love with them. There’s a base 10% chance of her granting the request, along with a base 75% chance of her causing the petitioner to undergo one of her divine tests.

4. Harkening to the sounds of soft moaning and sighs, the party comes upon a very striking entourage. As they enter deeper into the midst of the nude, pleasuring crowd of breathtaking women with ample bosoms and butter-supple loins (and their assistants), it will likely become increasingly harder for them to pull away (roll 1d10 or assign as needed):
   [1-2] 2d3 priestesses of Aphrodite
   [3] 2d4 male guardians (50% chance of being satyrs)
   [4] 3d4 nymphs (see Volume I)
   [5] 2d2 erotic spirits (fair maidens, fey, or nature spirits- see Volume II)
   [6-8] 4d4 hot, mortal women (75% chance of being faithful worshippers of Aphrodite, otherwise they will follow Venus, Freya, Ishtar, or even Unharmonia!)
   [9] 1d3 sirens
   [10] an Aphrodite Avatar (50% chance of riding a crimson shell)

Next week: some titanic power with wizards of Cronos, Part I!