Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Clerics of Ullr, Part II

Divine Tests
The bow strikes that which is unready.

1-11. We will see who's first to fall. The cleric loses access to some of his spells (50% chance for each one), possibly including his turn ability. Roll 1d6 to determine what he must do to get each one back.
   [1] Hunt, bringing down a beast for food.
   [2] Hit a target, making a successful ranged attack against a worthy foe or dangerous prey.
   [3] Ski, traveling for at least 1d6 turns upon snow or 3d6 turns on foot upon wilderness ground if not snowy.
   [4] Chastise one who has failed to keep their word.
   [5] Find glory in battle, felling a foe.
   [6] Eat a fine meal of meat.