Divine Tests
Trials may come when deceivers lure one away from what's wholesome.
Trials may come when deceivers lure one away from what's wholesome.
1-11. Who will maintain the apples? The priestess is unable to cast some of her spells (50% chance for each one), possibly including her turn ability. Roll 1d6 to determine what she must do to be able to use every one of them again.
[1] Collect 3d6 apples, preferably from a new location.
[2] Engage in a youthful game or other activity with at least 2d6 other participants, and it should last at least 3d6 turns.
[3] Warn a stranger about a poor health choice. Unless a follower of Idunn or similar divinity, they likely won't take it too well. Some of Idunn's husband's skaldic skill may be needed to remedy the situation.
[4] Offer an apple to the next person she sees. If they eat it, then they will experience a random Idunn spell effect, as if cast on them. If not, then they will experience the opposite of one.
[5] Engage in an act of fertility, whether to nourish a body or to conjoin with their husband.
[6] The priestess's next healing spell or act won't go too well. It will either do the opposite of what's intended or not work at all. Most won't like those apples.