Spells of Ullr
The winter father grants game to those who remain cool-headed.
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food and Drink (that's been hunted), Remove Fear (reversible), Resist Cold, Shield* (provides them an actual shield for the duration if they don't have one), Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link), Warding^ (link)
2nd Level: Augury, Hold Person (seeming to freeze them), Silence 15’ Radius (a chilled stillness), Heat Metal (D, reversed), Call Champion^ (link), Conjure Realm^ (link)
3rd Level: Cure Disease (by giving a meal of organ meat), Striking (on hunting weapons, swords, or shields), Enchant Food & Drink^ (that has been hunted, link)
4th Level: Create Food and Water (that's been hunted), Cure Serious Wounds, Detect Lie, Summon Animal I (to serve as game), Attune Arms & Armor^ (link)
5th Level: Cure Critical Wounds, Find the Path (leading only to prey), Quest (to enforce an honorable oath), Commune with Nature (D, in cold or wild areas), Tree Stride (D, the same), Cone of Cold*, Call Maiden^ (link)
6th Level: Freezing Sphere*
7th Level: Control Weather (making it colder or affecting snowfall)
^ New spells. Ullr is usually served by elemental bestial (earth) and cold (water) lords. His clerics thereby can cast spells like Bestow Cold Blessing & Curse and Attune Bestial Arms & Armor (based on earth effects), just like those who follow similar divinities.
Against a Many-Headed Beast
an Ullr Encounter
an Ullr Encounter
Wise tactics help greatly in felling prey.
Each square = 10'
Location 1: The party hears the sound of battle in the frozen clearing ahead. Those who investigate will see an old man with two hooded companions. They are all are armed with bows and face what look like three huge dragonlike serpents. The knowledgeable will guess that they are linnorms, the observant will see that they share a body.
Location 2: The old man and his associates stand here. They have reviewed the lore and brought special materials to help in fighting the monster, but they currently remain outmatched.
Old Man
Lvl 4 Norse cleric of Ullr, Align: N, MV: 40’, AC: 5, HD: 4, HP: 21, Atk: 1, Dmg: 1d8 (bow) or 1d4 (dagger)
SP: cleric abilities, spells prepared:
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food and Drink (that's been hunted), Remove Fear (reversible), Resist Cold, Shield* (provides them an actual shield for the duration if they don't have one)
2nd Level: Hold Person (seeming to freeze them), Silence 15’ Radius (a chilled stillness), Heat Metal (D, reversed), Conjure Cold (Water) Realm^ (link)
SV: C4, Mor: 11, Items: holy symbol, chainmail, furs, longbow, dagger, 38 silver pieces.
Appearance: fair complexion, grey hair & beard, rugged.
Norse Hunters
Mve: 40’, AC 8, HD 1+1, Attk: 1, Dmg: 1d8 (bow) or 1d3 (knife), SP: +1 to hit, damage, or AC each round when fighting a beast or monster, +1 to saves, reduce damage from, or to overcome immunity to mundane weapons when properly prepared too- which they have done for the linnorm, Sve: F1, Mor: 9, Items: hooded cloak, furs, longbow, knife, 3 silver pieces. Appearance: fair complexion, blond hair & beard, rugged.
Location 3: Here, the linnorm heads snarl.
Three-Headed Frost Linnorm
Align: N, MV: 50’, AC: 2, HD: 8, Atk: 3 bites, Dmg: 2d8 each, SP: cold breath weapon- every 1d3 rounds and does 6d8 damage to all in a 50' long, 30' wide cone-shaped area; immune to cold damage; special weakness (see below), SV: F8, Appearance: 3 white dragon heads with 15' long necks connected to a single, 30' long serpentine body also with a white hide and foreclaws.
Align: N, MV: 50’, AC: 2, HD: 8, Atk: 3 bites, Dmg: 2d8 each, SP: cold breath weapon- every 1d3 rounds and does 6d8 damage to all in a 50' long, 30' wide cone-shaped area; immune to cold damage; special weakness (see below), SV: F8, Appearance: 3 white dragon heads with 15' long necks connected to a single, 30' long serpentine body also with a white hide and foreclaws.
Special weakness: Hitting all the linnorm's heads at once during the same round causes it to be unable to act its next round. The old man and the hunters haven't realized this yet, hopefully the party will.
Location 4: A frozen pond. Those who step on it (including the linnorm) have a chance of falling through, equal to a base 10% chance per HD. If that occurs, then the entire area becomes 10' deep at the center with freezing water.