Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Clerics of Ullr, Part II

Divine Tests
The bow strikes that which is unready.

1-11. We will see who's first to fall. The cleric loses access to some of his spells (50% chance for each one), possibly including his turn ability. Roll 1d6 to determine what he must do to get each one back.
   [1] Hunt, bringing down a beast for food.
   [2] Hit a target, making a successful ranged attack against a worthy foe or dangerous prey.
   [3] Ski, traveling for at least 1d6 turns upon snow or 3d6 turns on foot upon wilderness ground if not snowy.
   [4] Chastise one who has failed to keep their word.
   [5] Find glory in battle, felling a foe.
   [6] Eat a fine meal of meat.

12-17. Honor requires that the cleric only bear one type of item for fighting for a time. This test lasts at least the next 4d6 hours, so much to become a better hunter and warrior. Some clerics of Ullr may even wish to continue the duration, for the test also grants them a bonus while it's in effect. Roll 1d4.
   [1] Ullr Almsíma: can only use bows, gaining a +2 to hit those he hunts or otherwise ambushes.
   [2] Ullr Brands: will only use swords, gaining a +2 to hit those that he duels or fights in single combat.
   [3] Rand-Ullr: may only use shields, gaining an additional +3 to AC against attacks from the front, while still being able to attack with his shield as a club with a -3 penalty to hit each round.
   [4] Hringi-Ullr: can just use his oath ring (he will have to fight unarmed), gaining a +2 to AC to dodge attacks outdoors and a +2 to Strength checks everywhere, harnessing Ullr's mother Sif's connection to the land and his stepfather Thor's might.

 18+ Odin calls for assistance and Ullr must take his place until the Allfather returns. For 1 day per divine test result over 17, the weather turns cold enough to snow and 1d8 inches cover the ground, affecting all within 1d4 miles. The cleric is unable to use his spells or turn ability during this time too (for Ullr needs them), but he can stand on his shield and glide upon it over land or water at a speed of 60'. He can also fight and use Ullr's mysteries well, and even access those of Odin instead too, substituting their uses for his god's in such a winter.

Folk Variations
Various guidelines, magical side-effects, divine tests, turn abilities, and spells of similar divinities can be substituted for and with those of Ullr.

Cernunnos: Celtic, a hunter too, though he transforms more to beasts and trees.
Odin: Sometimes his seasonal counterpart, Odin uses insight along with his final ways.
Wolf Spirit: Beast hunters with no equal, their wildness can differ with Ullr's oaths.
Wulthuz: Germanic, such glory he embodies is greatly honored by them.

For example, a cleric of Ullr could have some of the same wolf side-effects, wolf tests, and wolf spells as a Wolf Spirit, and a barbarian cleric of a Wolf Spirit could have some of the same magical side-effects, divine tests, and spells as Ullr.


Norse Hunters (Veiðimaðar)
Sometimes known in other lands as "rangers", Norse hunters use their talents to not only bring down bestial prey, but also monsters who would endanger their folk. Most honor Ullr.

  • Treat them as fighters (using their bonus to hit, HD, and saves), except they gain no other fighter special abilities.
  • They also can only use light armor and shields or lighter.
  • In return, they gain a +1 bonus per odd level that can be added each round either to hit, damage, or improve their AC when fighting beasts or monsters. 
  • What is more, after examining lore and collecting special ingredients for 4d6 hours minus their hunter level, they can use the +1 bonus per odd level to improve their saves against, reduce damage from, or even to allow themselves to hit a certain type of beast or monster of their choice if it would only normally be harmed by magical weapons instead. This benefit lasts when facing that type of beast or monster for 1d3 days, after which time the preparation must be repeated to use this ability on the same or different beast or monster type again. 
  • Hunters can also use Ullr's mysteries to track their prey, up to once per level per day.
For example, a 4th level Norse hunter can improve his bonus to hit by 2 when hunting a stag or improve his AC or damage rolls by 2 when fighting a linnorm. He can also prepare for 4d6 - 4 hours to be able to gain a +2 bonus to save vs. a beast or monster's special attacks, ignore up to 2 damage from it, or even hit one that can only be affected by +2 weapons or better each round as an alternative. Last, he can sense the direction to any type of his prey up to 4 times per day to get the job done, as well.

Next week: spells of Ullr and an Ullr encounter!
RPG srd Old School 1st ed AD&D Uller