Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Priestesses of Idunn, Part I

Norse Goddess of Apples, Youth, Health, & Spring

Tenets of Idunn

  • Honor and enjoy apples
  • Be youthful and healthy
  • What's fairer may not always be what's promised
  • Spring restores, but apples might not be for everyone

  • Special: Also known as Idun, Idunn is served by gothar (Norse priests & priestesses) and nature priests & priestesses (link, see bottom of page).
  • Allowed Weapons: Sling (only shooting apples of course- see Part II)
  • Allowed ArmorNone
  • Symbols: Apple
  • Can Turn: Charlatans- those who would presume to be healers, but aren't (including harsh neutral and all evil cleric-types, along with quacks). An apple a day should keep them away...
  • Idunn Mysteries: Priestesses of Idunn are skilled healers, being able to tell an individual's general level of youth, health, and whether apples would benefit them or not. They may do so up to once per day per level. Once used on an individual, a priestess of Idunn can then gain a +1 bonus for every level she has to checks made to heal them for the next 1d7 days.

Magical Side-Effects of Idunn
The fruits of well-being can enchant all. Roll 1d12.

1. Sour Bite: Not all apples are wholesome. The target of the magic (if beneficial) or the priestess (if not) will have the next food they take cause them a -1d3 penalty to all rolls for the next 1d3 turns. A sacrifice worth 1d6 gold pieces per spell level can prevent this misfortune.

2. To the Core: When one craves too hard, unpleasantness might result. If meant to benefit the spell's target, then the magic will only work if they have not eaten greatly or indulged that day, though having many apples may be fine (per Referee). If not meant to benefit the target, then the priestess will be obliged to follow this restriction instead.

3. Epli Seed: What remedy is called for here? Whether it be the spell’s target or the priestess (an equal chance of either), they will have to determine what the proper ingredient is for the spell, either a type of apple or otherwise. This investigation usually must be done for the next d30 minutes. Still, the priestess can make a save vs. spell/ Will save DC 15 to perform the magic immediately, but the spell's target will receive no benefit then.

4. Of Alfen Race: It is said that Idunn is one of the Alfar too, and as such the priestess should roll for an Elven Druid side-effect now. See Volume V if that work is available. In any case, whether to be barefoot, reflect the current season, sing a song of Nature, or something else, wood elvishness is required in order for the spell to work, and it will likely work well.

5. Heilsa! All within 120' gain a +2 bonus to rolls made to be youthful, healed, and rejuvenated, or even simply to enjoy apples or spring for the next 2d6 rounds. Such good health even allows those affected a resave against any ongoing maladies.

6-8. Standard Casting: The spell works without side-effect for now.

9. Sweet Bite: Fresh taste invigorates. The spell's effects occur d30 rounds later, though they can happen quicker (reducing the time by the priestess's level x 2) if she bites into a crisp apple or something similar. If so, then the effect, range, or duration of the spell is also boosted 50%.

10. Fertile Juices: The fruits can make more. The magic has a 50% increase to its effect, range, or duration. The spell's recipient also gains a +3 bonus to the next health or fertility-related roll they make, whether it's to rejuvenate their own body or get with their consort.

11. Restorative Smile: Helping others is a reward all its own. The spell's usual range, effect, or duration can be doubled, but only if it's meant to assist another to reclaim their health or well-being, especially if accompanied by kind words.

12. Blessing of Ortgard: Idunn invigorates the magic to be at double its usual effect, range, or duration, as well as not being expended so it can be cast again that day. She also grants the target a +3 bonus to all rolls related to apples, health, youth, rejuvenation, fertility, and spring for the next 1d2 hours if the spell is meant to aid them.

Next week: divine tests, folk variations, and a specialized weapon of Idunn in Part II! 
RPG srd Idun Old School 1st ed AD&D