Norse Goddess of Marriage, Prophecy, Wisdom, Motherhood, & Love
Tenets of Frigg
- Be devoted to your husband
- See what will come so that you can help your love ones
- Be wise in your ways, respect the weaving of destiny
- Remain dedicated to your children
- Help others with courtship
- Special: Also known as Frigga, Frigg is served by gythyar (priestesses) and seidkonar (witch / seeresses).
- Allowed Weapons: spear, staff, mace, dagger
- Allowed Armor: none
- Symbols: Clouds, Weavings, Crown, Throne
- Can Turn: Those who would harm their husband or children (if not known, a base 25% chance)
- Mysteries of Frigg: Up to once per day per level, cleric-types of Frigg can touch another and remove up to 2d6 damage or similar harm.
Magical Side-Effects of Frigg
Love binds and sustains, having a magic all its own. Roll 1d12.
1. Tragic Beauty: Though splendid, she is destined to lose much. The spell’s recipient (if beneficial) or the priestess (if not) will have one they care for be automatically targeted by the next attack that occurs within 30' of them. A sacrifice worth 1d6 gold pieces per spell level can counteract this though.
2. Promised Flow: Is it in the cards? If beneficial, then the magic will only work if the spell’s recipient has expressed fondness to at least one other that day for at least d30 minutes. If not, then it is the priestess who must do so.
3. Errand of Gna: Sending word, Frigg and her faithful should be informed as needed. Either the spell’s target or the priestess (an equal chance of either) will have to immediately journey for d30 minutes to relay some information. A save vs. spell/ Will save DC 15 can be made to resist it, but then the one so affected will receive no benefit from the spell.
4. Woven: Fate entwined brings both ardor and destiny. The priestess must do some weaving of her own when she next has a chance, and for 1d6 hours, working both warp and weft.
5. Hlin's Foundation: Protection and a relief from sorrow pervades. All within 120' gain a +2 bonus to AC, saves, and to recover from mourning for the next 2d6 rounds, no matter the time of day.
6-8. Standard Casting: The spell works without side-effect for now.
9. Comfort of Lofn: Arranging unions of love is paramount, and may take some time. The spell's effects occur d30 rounds later, though the priestess's level x 2 can be deducted from that if it would work towards affection. In any case, the effect, range, or duration of the spell is improved by 50%.
10. Family Strength: The ones you cherish can uplift you the most. The magic's effect, range, or duration gains a 50% boost, and the spell's recipient can immediately resave against any negative effects that they are currently experiencing if they have seen their kin within the last 24 hours.
11. Fulla's Way: Bounty and fullness shall be kept safe. The priestess can have twice her spell's usual range, effect, or duration, but only if she keeps the details of it secret or it involves fertility at least.
12. Blessing of Fensalir: Frigg supports the magic to have double effect, range, or duration, as well as not being expended so it can be cast again that day. She also grants a +3 bonus to all rolls related to marriage, prophecy, wisdom, motherhood, wetlands, and courtship for the next 1d2 hours if the spell is meant to aid the target.
Next week: divine tests, folk variations, and a specialized class of Frigg in Part II!
RPG srd Old School Frigga 1st ed AD&D