Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Clerics of Ullr, Part II

Divine Tests
The bow strikes that which is unready.

1-11. We will see who's first to fall. The cleric loses access to some of his spells (50% chance for each one), possibly including his turn ability. Roll 1d6 to determine what he must do to get each one back.
   [1] Hunt, bringing down a beast for food.
   [2] Hit a target, making a successful ranged attack against a worthy foe or dangerous prey.
   [3] Ski, traveling for at least 1d6 turns upon snow or 3d6 turns on foot upon wilderness ground if not snowy.
   [4] Chastise one who has failed to keep their word.
   [5] Find glory in battle, felling a foe.
   [6] Eat a fine meal of meat.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Clerics of Ullr, Part I

Norse God of Hunting, Archery, Winter, Oaths, & Glory

Tenets of Ullr

  • Hunt
  • Master your bow
  • Ski well
  • Keep your word
  • Find glory in honorable battle

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Priestesses of Idunn, Part III

Spells of Idunn
The harvest awaits those with the way to access it.

1st LevelCure Light Wounds, Purify Food and Drink, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary, Entangle (D, usable in orchards and amongst fruit-bearing trees), Shield*, Pass without Trace (D), Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link)Warding^ (link)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Priestesses of Idun, Part II

Divine Tests
Trials may come when deceivers lure one away from what's wholesome.

1-11. Who will maintain the apples? The priestess is unable to cast some of her spells (50% chance for each one), possibly including her turn ability. Roll 1d6 to determine what she must do to be able to use every one of them again.
   [1] Collect 3d6 apples, preferably from a new location.
   [2] Engage in a youthful game or other activity with at least 2d6 other participants, and it should last at least 3d6 turns.
   [3] Warn a stranger about a poor health choice. Unless a follower of Idunn or similar divinity, they likely won't take it too well. Some of Idunn's husband's skaldic skill may be needed to remedy the situation.
   [4] Offer an apple to the next person she sees. If they eat it, then they will experience a random Idunn spell effect, as if cast on them. If not, then they will experience the opposite of one.
   [5] Engage in an act of fertility, whether to nourish a body or to conjoin with their husband.
   [6] The priestess's next healing spell or act won't go too well. It will either do the opposite of what's intended or not work at all. Most won't like those apples.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Priestesses of Idunn, Part I

Norse Goddess of Apples, Youth, Health, & Spring

Tenets of Idunn

  • Honor and enjoy apples
  • Be youthful and healthy
  • What's fairer may not always be what's promised
  • Spring restores, but apples might not be for everyone

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Clerics of Njordr, Part III

Spells of Njordr
Who knows where the sea flows?

1st LevelCreate Water, Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food and Drink, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary, Entangle (D, usable on fertile growth), Shield*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link)Warding^ (link)

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Clerics of Njordr, Part II

Divine Tests
The flow may show what truly matters once the tide recedes.

1-11. The winds shift, and the cleric loses access to some of his spells (50% chance for each one). Roll 1d6 for the ones that are lost to determine what he needs to do to regain them.
   [1] Be at or on the sea for 4d6 turns, or show off one's legs and feet for double that time if it's not nearby at least.
   [2] Savor prosperity, gaining a minimum of 1d6 x 10 gps worth from the tide, the land, or in direct coin.
   [3] Engage in fertility, enjoying docking your vessel to potentially father a child.
   [4] Make a proper offering, ranging from 1d6 x100 gps in value.
   [5] Practice kindness and generosity to another, giving what they would not expect.
   [6] Quiet an unpleasant noise, lacking malice when doing so, even if it's howling.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Clerics of Njordr, Part I

Norse God of the Sea, Wind, Wealth, & Bounty

Tenets of Njordr

  • Respect the sea & winds
  • Fortune grants harvests
  • Fertility brings riches
  • Nurture happy children
  • Avoid the howling of wolves

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Priestesses of Frigg, Part III

Spells of Frigg
The magic of her beauty is only outshined by her love.

1st LevelCure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Detect Magic, Purify Food & Drink, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary, Allure*, Feather Fall*, Shield*, Fylgja* (as Unseen Servant, but looks like the ideal mate or totem animal of the cleric), Hold Portal*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link)Warding^ (link)

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Priestesses of Frigg, Part II

Divine Tests
What is beloved may not always remain seen.

1-11. One's own calls, showing it's time to set aside other magic. The priestess loses access to some of her spells (50% chance for each one), possibly including her turn ability. Roll 1d6 to determine what she must do to restore each and every one of them.
   [1] Spend at least 4d6 turns loving her husband, or if she doesn't have one yet, working towards finding him and fostering their relationship.
   [2] Engage in prophecy, weaving and forecasting for 1d6 turns. The priestess is then destined to save vs. spell/ make a Will save DC 15. If successful, she will receive some insight per Referee. If not, she is obliged to take 1d6 more turns, repeating until successful.
   [3] A wise woman is best when needed most. The priestess must make a Wisdom check (DC 15) at the next naturally occurring opportunity and counsel others as to what's appropriate. If not, then she should try again when another one arises.
   [4] Spend time helping her children for 4d6 turns. If she doesn't have any yet, then she will be required to spend the duration striving towards their conception.
   [5] Attend to her household for 3d6 turns, making it as beautiful, sustaining, and welcoming a place as her.
   [6] There can be too much unnecessary suffering in love. She must help someone else to find or resolve things with the right partner, taking just 2d6 turns to do so once such a seeker is found.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Priestesses of Frigg, Part I

Norse Goddess of Marriage, Prophecy, Wisdom, Motherhood, & Love

Tenets of Frigg

  • Be devoted to your husband
  • See what will come so that you can help your love ones
  • Be wise in your ways, respect the weaving of destiny
  • Remain dedicated to your children
  • Help others with courtship