Spells of Baldr
The day's passing can bring forth great light, reborn.
1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic, Light, Purify Food & Drink, Protection From Evil (except from those holding mistletoe), Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary, Allure*, Hold Portal*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link), Blasting^ (link), Warding^ (link)
2nd Level: Augury, Bless, Delay Poison, Holy Chant, Speak with Animal, Spiritual Weapon (held by a phantom Fossegrim), Pyrotechnics*, Call Champion^ (link), Conjure Realm^ (link)
3rd Level: Continual Light, Cure Blindness, Cure Disease, Dispel Magic, Locate Object, Prayer, Remove Curse, Speak with Dead, Protection from Normal Missiles* (except mistletoe), Enchant Food & Drink^ (link)
4th Level: Cure Serious Wounds, Divination, Exorcise, Neutralize Poison, Protection from Evil 10’ Radius (except from those holding mistletoe), Fire Shield*, Attune Arms & Armor^ (link)
5th Level: Commune, Cure Critical Wounds, Dispel Evil, Flame Strike (in the form of a ray of light that harms those who are evil), Call Maiden^ (link)
6th Level: Find the Path, Heal, Word of Recall, Globe of Invulnerability*, Repulsion*
7th Level: Restoration, Sympathy*
^ New spells. Baldr is usually served by angelic lords and elemental fire lords. His cleric-types therefore have access to spells like Bestow Angelic Blessing & Curse and Bestow Fire Blessing & Curse, just like those who follow similar divinities.
Funeral Barge
a Baldr Encounter
a Baldr Encounter
The departed may end up mourning their mourners.
Location 1: The road leads to a large group of Norse people standing before a beached longship. Beyond that is a shimmering inlet leading further out to sea.
Location 2: The group stands here. It is a funeral gathering for a fallen prince, Farthegn Vigotsson. It would seem he met his fate battling a group of trolls in the nearby hills. Mourners & bystanders watch, many look sullen and weep. A blond priest with a short beard is present, praying for the departed. A few habitually toss things at him (in honor of Baldr), but they receive glares as this certainly isn't the proper occasion.
Gunlaf Kollson
Lvl 3 Norse gothi (priest) of Baldr, Align: L, MV: 40’, AC: 8, HD: 3, HP: 14, Atk: 1, Dmg: 1d6 (hand axe)
SP: priest abilities, spells prepared:
1st Level: Purify Food & Drink, Protection From Evil (except from those holding mistletoe), Remove Fear, Bestow Angelic Blessing & Curse^ (link), Fire Warding^ (link)
2nd Level: Augury, Bless, Spiritual Weapon (held by a phantom Fossegrim), Conjure Angelic Realm^ (link)
SV: C3, Mor: 10, Items: holy symbol, robes, hand axe, 39 silver pieces.
Appearance: fair complexion, blond hair & short beard, medium build.
Also there are:
Thorarin Arnorsson - a cleric of Thor, see stats below, seen also at the Lucky Hammer (link)
Grimkel Sigeheahsson - a lord of the locality, a jarl, and follower of Tyr
Holmgavt Hjaltisson- Grimkel's bodyguard, a huscarl
Leidolf Hranfastsson - younger brother of the prince and a budding comedian
Hallkel Liutsson - friend of the prince, devoted follower of Odin
Øystæin Trudsson - bodyguard of Alfdis, a viking, quite the seaman
Mutti Mountaingrip - a dwarf, servant of Grimkel, not-so-covert disciple of Loki
Loin Rockheart - another dwarf, servant of Alfdis, and quite well-dressed
Holmfrid Otkeldottir - bethrothed of the prince, gorgeous, and genuinely devastated
Alfdis Vigotsdottir - sister of the prince, a princess, blessed by Freya with classic beauty and insight
Holmfrid Hængdottir - wife of Grimkel, a devoted follower of him and of Frigg
Bergthora Gudadottir - handmaiden of Alfdis, secret lover of the prince, secretly loves Hel too
Aslaug Arnorsdottir - sister of Thorarin, yet another secret lover of the prince, quite well-endowed, not just in her biceps
Location 3: Spanning 80', the longship is massive. That it is rigged well, to only then be destroyed would seem wasteful to those without a correct understanding of the afterlife.
Still, its great weight will prevent it from being cast to the river by any assembled. After 1d6 minutes of discussion (and unless the party has means to assist), a rider will be dispatched.
1d6 turns later, a giantess arrives riding a huge wolf with snakes for reigns. Strangely otherwise pleasant, Jölfá (detailed below) will push the boat out. She has come from the Last Resort (link).
Thorarin becomes quite upset and attempts to attack her. If prevented by the party or by Grimkel (a 66% chance of the latter), he will take out his rage on Mutti or Loin the dwarf instead after casting Enlarge, kicking him to Location 4.
Thorarin Arnorsson, Lvl 7 Norse cleric of Thor
Align: N, MV: 40', AC 7, HD: 7, HP: 42, Atk: 1, Dmg: 1d6+2 (+1 hammer)
SP: cleric abilities, spells prepared:
1st Level: Protection from Evil (+4 vs. giants), Remove Fear, Enlarge* (self only)
2nd Level: Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon (as a hammer flying from the cleric’s hand), Strength*
3rd Level: Remove Curse, Striking
4th Level: Exorcise (requires the cleric to be engaged in exercise)
SV: C7, Mor: 9, Items: holy symbol, +1 hammer!, loin cloth, 44 gps.
Emphasis: Become strong, not some girly-man! Appearance: red hair, stocky build, medium complexion.
Jölfá, 2nd level Frostris cleric of Skadi
MV 40’, AC 4, HD 9, Atk 1, Dmg: 3d6 (spear)
SP: giant size, frost immune, can assume human size after 2d6 rounds at will, but HD and Dmg are reduced by 1/2 until they return to full size again, cleric of Skadi abilities, spells prepared:
1st Create Water (as ice), Cure Light Wounds, Sanctuary
SV: C9, Mor: 11, AL: N, Items: holy symbol, light furs, giant spear, 39 gold pieces.
Emphasis: Honor the cold and the highlands. Appearance: platinum blond hair, medium build, pale complexion.
SP: giant size, frost immune, can assume human size after 2d6 rounds at will, but HD and Dmg are reduced by 1/2 until they return to full size again, cleric of Skadi abilities, spells prepared:
1st Create Water (as ice), Cure Light Wounds, Sanctuary
SV: C9, Mor: 11, AL: N, Items: holy symbol, light furs, giant spear, 39 gold pieces.
Emphasis: Honor the cold and the highlands. Appearance: platinum blond hair, medium build, pale complexion.
However events unfold, Holmfrid will dutifully attempt to cast herself onto the longship as soon as it's lit aflame by the other mourners.
Location 4: The dwarf will land roughly here when kicked by Thorarin.
Location 5: From here, the trolls that apparently slew the prince, or any others that the Referee deem appropriate can watch what occurs. The party may then move to confront them, making sure to either avoid the battling cleric of Thor and the giantess or a drowning dwarf, as well as the burning longship and widow of course.
RPG srd Old School 1st ed AD&D Balder Baldur
Next week: Clerics of Frigg!