Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Priests of Zagreus, Part III

Spells of Zagreus
What arises below can bring one to magic heights.

1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Magic, Light (Reversed), Remove Fear (reversible), Purify Food and Drink (on raw meat and wine), Sanctuary (in dark or underground areas), Detect Snares and Pits (D), Dancing Lights*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link), Warding^ (link)

2nd Level: Augury, Bless (reversible), Find Traps, Holy Chant, Resist Fire, Reveal Charm, Silence 15' Radius, Charm Person or Mammal (D), Obscuring Mist (D), Amnesia*, Darkness Globe*, Magic Mouth*, Conjure Realm^ (link)

3rd Level: Cure Blindness (reversible), Cure Disease, Dispel Magic, Remove Curse (reversible), Neutralize Poison (D), Snare (D), Clairvoyance*, Clairaudience*, Enchant Food & Drink^ (link)

4th Level: Cure Serious Wounds, Divination, Protection from Evil 10’ Radius, Hallucinatory Terrain (D), Confusion*, Polymorph Other* (bulls, nocturnal, or subterranean forms only), Polymorph Self* (the same)

5th Level: Commune, Cure Critical Wounds, Commune with Nature (D), Dark Stride (as Tree Stride, D, but allows transport from one dark place to another), Feeblemind*, Call Maiden^ (link)

6th Level: Speak with Creatures, Plane Shift, Repel Wood (D), Reincarnate*

7th Level: Astral Projection, Gate, Regenerate, Resurrection

^ New spells. Zagreus is usually served by elemental earth and demonic lords. His cleric-types would therefore have access to spells like Earth Warding, Demonic Warding, Call Earth Maiden, and Call Demonic Maiden. Note that like similar divinities, even though he may be served by demonic lords, they are more chthonic than evil, and are (usually) not actual demons.

Into the Dark
a Zagreus Encounter

A local holy man, a follower of Zagreus has gone missing. He was last seen near a cave entrance. The party may wish to find him, whether for a reward or because of some debt they or an ally owes him.

Map by (modified) 
Each square = 5'. Ceiling - floor height ranges from 4 + 1d6'

Location 1: The cave entrance yawns here. Discarded bits of meaty bone on the ground and eccentric writing on the wall suggests that a devoted follower of Zagreus came this way.

Location 2: The chamber is somewhat flooded, roughly 3' deep. Beyond, to the south about 25' away, it arises again to come out of the dark, still water. 

Something swims within, noticed by the perceptive or by those attacked at least. Like some sort of tiny dragon, it may bite just once at those who pass through: a 1 in 3 chance each, 1 in 4 if a follower of Zagreus, Dionysus, or Zeus.

Tiny Dragon
Align: C, MV 45’ swim or fly; AC 4 (1 when underwater), HD 2, Atk: 1 bite, Dmg: 1d4+2, SP: +4 to all saves; SV: F2

Location 3: Beginning a dryer series of chambers, garbage and filth are strewn about. Different than the meaty bone outside, such desecration is likely the result of the presence of inhuman folk. 

Location 4: Here dwell a number of brown goblins (the inhuman folk so suspected), babbling in their ridiculous tongue and stench. If the party has been stealthy, they have a chance of catching them unaware (3 in 6). 

There are 11 of them. All gain a +1 bonus to their rolls when outnumbering foes by 2:1 or more, but -1 when not. One is also a goblin warrior. See Volume V for more rules and abilities that they can have.

Brown Goblins
MV: 35’, AC 6, HD 1-1, Atk: 1 (sharp club), Dmg: 1d4-1, SP: goblin traits, SV: F1, Mor: 7

Brown Goblin Warrior
MV: 35’, AC 6, HD 3-1, HP: 16, Atk: 1 (mace), Dmg: 1d6 (+ 1, 50% of the time), SP: goblin traits, SV: F3, Mor: 7
Gain 1d3 HD (already applied to stats), along with a 50% chance of a +1 bonus to damage, but must attack dwarves on sight. 

Examination will show that this place was once a Thracian temple. Removing the goblin filth (along with the goblins) and reconsecrating it will allow chaotic cleric-types to reroll their magical side-effects up to once per day, but must take the second result. Those who specifically follow Zagreus or a similar divinity can reroll their magical side-effects, gaining a +1d3 bonus to the roll, even picking which ones they wish to use, up to 3 times per day

Location 5: The holy man Petras is here, holding a foot. He was able to sneak past the goblins and communes with the spirit of his deity at this place. He was actually led here (and likely assisted) by the spirit Undergotos. It has arranged this encounter to challenge the party, as well as allowing Petras to find the foot that was taken as the result of a test of Zagreus (whether it was his and he reattaches it, or it is for someone else). Undergotos is not evil per se, simply harsh, though the party might not be so understanding and choose to attack. If so, then the holy man would be happy to oblige in such carnage as well. More raw flesh may just be the result.

Petras, Holy Man
4th level corybante of Zagreus, Align: C
MV: 40', AC: 6, HD: 4, HP: 32, Atk: 1 (club), Dmg: 1d6+1 
SP: corybante abilities (see Part II) - War Dance, he suffers from leanness too due to a Zagreus divine test
(Note that Petras also knows the spell Detect Snares and Pits (D), but already cast it today to avoid getting bitten by the tiny dragon at Location 2.)
SV: F4, Mor: 8, Items: club, light armor, foot

A demonic (chthonic) spirit, it cannot be harmed by normal means, though turning and certain spells might drive it away (per Referee, see also Volume IV). It wishes to test Petras' and the party's mettle, bestowing blessings & curses if need be. Why? No one knows.

Next week: clerics of Kotys!