Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Clerics of Kotys, Part I

Thracian Goddess of Wildness, War, & Slaughter

Tenets of Kotys
* Be wild, free in one's ecstasy
* Make war, whether to do battle or indulge

* Leave none standing

Clerics of Kotys
Special: Kotys is served by clerics, baptes (see Part II), witches (see Volume II), maenads (link), and corybantes (link).
Allowed Weapons: falx (see Part II), sword, axe, staff, club, dagger
Allowed Armorbreastplate or lighter
Symbols: Cotylae (cups), Falx, Fire, Serpent
Can TurnThose who have not yet come to terms with wanton debauchery. If not known, there's a 50% chance of it being so if the subject is Lawful, 25% if Neutral, and 5% if Chaotic.
Mysteries of Kotys:  Clerics of Kotys can gain or grant a +1 bonus to a roll to someone within 30' who is fighting wildly or indulging. They may do so up to once per day per level.

Magical Side-Effects of Kotys
The cries of battle can bring both pleasure and pain.

1. Raucous Glow: Where else should magic happen? The place must have seen some fighting or other intensity, whether passion, desire, heavy drink, or fire itself sometime within the last day. If not, then it will fail to function and also has a 25% chance of either triggering a divine test or having the spell be lost too (an equal chance of either) in the blaze. 

2. Twisted Scent: Outrageous, the spell must be made whole. If the cleric is not engaged in something licentious (at least in the view of non-Thracians), then it will have no choice but to only work at half its usual strength. Even worse, there's a 25% chance of it triggering a divine test or being lost for the day too if this happens (also an equal chance of either).

3. Baptai: Bathed, the cleric is purified. Whether in holy water, blood, or something else, she must so indulge now or sometime within the next 1d3 hours. Otherwise, the spell's effects will only occur 1d3 rounds afterwards, likely with much fluid to match.

4. Thracian Debauchery: All within 120' gain a +1 bonus to their next roll related to brutal bodily indulgence.

5-8. Standard Spell: The magic occurs as usual this time.

9. Certain Insobriety: If inebriated or otherwise frenzied or aroused, the cleric gains a 50% bonus to the spell's effect, range, or duration. If not, then the opposite occurs, with Kotys wondering why she isn't.

10-11. Ecstatic Dance: Frightful music can liberate. If such is performed or heard, then the magic's effect, range, or duration can be boosted x2. The cleric will launch into a frenzy too, engaging in base carnality for the next 1d3 rounds to celebrate.

12. Blessing of Kotys: Not only is the spell's effect, range, or duration doubled, but it is not expended and can be cast again that day. Even more, the spell's target gains a +1 bonus to all rolls when engaging in wildness, war, ecstasy, or slaughter for the next 1d6 turns, whether it's meant to be helpful or not.

Next week: divine tests, folk variations, and a specialized weapon of 
Kotys in Part II!