Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Clerics of Bendis, Part III

Spells of Bendis
The great goddess bestows many blessings.

1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food and Drink, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary (in mountainous areas), Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link), Blasting^ (link), Warding^ (link)

2nd Level: Bless, Hold Person, Spiritual Weapon, Stoneskin (as Barkskin, D, but looks like stone instead), Pass without Trace (D), Call Champion^ (link), Conjure Realm^ (link)

3rd Level: Cure Blindness, Cure Disease (reversible), Dispel Magic, Locate Object, Remove Curse (reversible), Striking (Bendis' allowed weapons only), Snare (D), Gust of Wind*, Haste* (when outdoors), Enchant Food & Drink^ (link)

4th Level: Cure Serious Wounds, Protection from Evil 10’ Radius, Sticks to Snakes (non-poisonous, they only scout and represent fertility though), Quest, Summon Sylvan Beings (D), Polymorph Self* (natural, mountainous forms only), Attune Arms & Armor^ (link)

5th Level: Commune, Cure Critical Wounds, Flame Strike, Commune with Nature (D), Mountain Stride (as Tree Stride, D, but allows transport from one rocky outcropping to another), Call Maiden^ (link)

6th Level: Find the Path, Stone Tell, Wall of Thorns (D)

7th Level: Earthquake, Regenerate, Restoration, Resurrection

^ New spells. Bendis is usually served by fey and elemental lords. Which elemental lord it is depends on each particular follower, whether fire, water, air, or earth. All her cleric-types would therefore have access to the spells Bestow Fey Blessing & Curse and Fey Blasting for example, but individual ones might only have access to Bestow Air Blessing & Curse and Air Blasting, or Bestow Fire Blessing & Curse and Fire Blasting, etc.

Mountain Moon Mother
a Bendis Encounter

A great Thracian holy woman, the Mountain Moon Mother, has been captured by those who wish to rein in her rampant fecundity. The party could be enlisted to either free her or aid in her restraint. Since all concerned are relatively goodly, some diplomacy might be warranted rather than wanton slaying.

Map © John Godsland - licensed under CC BY 4.0 
Each square = 10'. 

Location 1: The mountain trail leads to a bucolic, forested area. 4 satyrs and 3 maenads frolic and dance here. Seemingly unaware (or are they?) of what has transpired. They will engage with the party, preventing their progress unless properly satiated, driven off, defeated, or shown to be in support of the Mountain Moon Mother.

Align: C, MV 45’; AC 7; HD 3; Atk: 1 gore or spear; Dmg: 1d4+2 or 1d6; SP: sleep, charm person, or fear; SV: E7 (-4 vs. attractive females)

Align: C, Mve: 40’, AC 9, HD 1+1, Attk: 2 (clawing); Dmg: 1d2/1d2; SP: hitting with both clawings allows them to rip their target for an additional 1d4+1 damage, Sve: F1

Location 2: Two hoplites stand guard, armored and bearing spears and shields. A small temple is behind them. They will challenge the party, likely reminding them of the satyrs and maenads' behavior if they had fought them. If the party persists, the hoplites will state that the Mountain Moon Mother is too licentious and unnatural to be free, though if the party is fine with the satyrs and maenads, they will likely be fine with freeing her. 

Align:  L, Mve: 35’, AC 3 front/ 5 from behind, HD 1+1, Attk: 1 (spear or short sword); Dmg: 1d6; SP: +1 to hit, damage, or AC each round, Sve: F1

Location 3
: The temple's pronaos opens to the cella here, having a symmetric, orderly theme.

Anywhere within the temple: lawful cleric-types can reroll their magical side-effects up to once per day, but must take the second result.

Cella (the temple's main sanctum): Those who specifically follow Athena or a similar divinity can reroll their magical side-effects, gaining a +1d3 bonus to the roll, even picking which ones they wish to use, up to 3 times per day. Lawful cleric-types who don't specifically follow Athena or a similar divinity can gain the same benefits as anywhere in the temple, above. In all cases, the chances of triggering divine tests are also doubled at this place since a 7' tall statue of Athena is watching.

Location 4: Deeper within the temple's naos dwells a cleric of Athena. He, like his hoplite assistants, will insist the party depart unless they wish to aid in the Mountain Moon Mother's captivity. Those who defeat him will find a strange yoke held in a wooden box. Those knowing will say it is meant to keep the Mountain Moon Mother from leaving.

Pidytes, Lvl 4 Greek cleric of Athena, Align: L, MV: 35’, AC: 7, HD: 4, Atk: 1 (mace), Dmg: 1d6, 
SP: cleric abilities, spells prepared:
1st Level: Command, Cure Light Wounds, Remove Fear, Resist Cold (if well-dressed), Hold Portal*
2nd Level: Bless, Know Alignment, Hold Person
SV: C4, Mor: 10, Items: holy symbol, white robes, light hoplite armor, helm, mace, 38 silver pieces.
Main Emphasis: Remain chaste, temperate, & obedient (Parthenos). Appearance: medium complexion, black hair.

Location 5Here dwells a lounging beauty overlooking a river far below, her fertile curves only matched by the mountainous fecundity she channels. Whether the yoke has been taken from Location 4 or not, she will be choose not to leave this area yet. While the Pidytes might believe he has her held, she's simply playing along in order to grant greater insight via Bendis' gift. Still, she's happy to assist those who visit her unique potency. and would certainly wish no harm come to Athena's followers.

Mountain Moon Mother
3rd level priestess of Bendis, 
Align: N, MV: 40', AC: 9, HD: 3, Atk: (none)
SP: she's currently experiencing divine test result #12-17, 5, though for days due to a high test result (leading to why she has been captured in the first place), priestess abilities, spells prepared: 
1st Level: 1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Sanctuary (in mountainous areas), Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (fey) (x2)
2nd Level: Bless, Hold Person, Conjure Realm^ (fey)
SV: C3, Mor: 8, Items: colorful robes

Next week: priests of Zagreus!