Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Clerics of Zibelthiurdos, Part III

Spells of Zibelthiurdos
Cleric-types of Zibelthiurdos can cast the following spells.

1st Level: Command, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Chaos (as Detect Evil, but senses those who are chaotic instead), Protection from Chaos (as Protection from Evil, but guards against the chaotic instead), Remove Fear (reversible), Sanctuary, Divine Weather (D), Shocking Grasp*, Bestow Blessing & Curse^ (link), Blasting^ (link), Warding^ (link)

2nd Level: Augury, Bless, Create Water (via rain), Hold Person, Holy Chant, Silence 15' Radius, Spiritual Weapon, Knock*, Levitate*, Magic Mouth*, Call Champion^ (link), Conjure Realm^ (link)

3rd Level: Cure Blindness, Cure Disease, Dispel Magic, Locate Object, Remove Curse (reversible), Striking (on Zibelthiurdos' allowed weapons), Gust of Wind*, Lightning Bolt*, Attune Arms & Armor^ (link), Enchant Food & Drink^ (link)

4th Level: Cure Serious Wounds, Divination, Protection from Chaos 10' Radius (as Protection from Evil 10' Radius, but guards against the chaotic instead), Call Lightning (D), Protection from Electricity (D)

5th Level: Commune, Cure Critical Wounds, Flame Strike (appearing as lightning),  Interposing Hand* (appearing as wind), Call Maiden^ (link)

6th Level: Control Weather, Find the Path, Heal, Summon Aerial Servant,  Forceful Hand* (also appearing as wind), Fly*

7th Level: Restoration, Resurrection, Wind Walk, Control Weather (Greater, D), Grasping Hand*

^ New spells. Zibelthiurdos is usually served by angelic and elemental air lords, so his cleric-types would have access to the spells Bestow Angelic Blessing & Curse, Bestow Air Blessing & Curse, Angelic Blasting, Air Blasting, etc., just like those who follow similar divinities.

The Head of Zibelthiurdos 
a Zibelthiurdos Encounter

Location 1: A great stone head, roughly 12' tall and 8' wide rests at the base of a mountainside (or wherever else the Referee chooses). Any entering its opening at the back will cause it to levitate up the mountain at Location 2 within 3 minutes.

Map by (modified) 
Each square = 5'. Ceiling - floor height ranges from 5 + 1d6'

Location 2An open ledge spans here with 4 masked men on horseback watching, armed with spears. Their masks ironically look like the great stone head, but cause a -4 penalty to sight and hearing-related rolls due to their cumbersomeness. 

When the head lands, the men dismount and bow while the great head emits a voice saying, "the spear is good, the phallus is evil!" If the party emerges, the masked riders will challenge them, likely attacking unless convinced otherwise. Those who repeat what the head says will gain a +4 bonus in doing so. Note that any falls off the western ledge will likely be fatal.

Masked Riders
Align: C, MV: 70’ mounted/ 40' on foot, AC: 6 mounted/ 8 on foot, HD: 1+1 (+2 to hit if mounted), Atk: 1 (spear), Dmg: 1d6, SV: F1, Mor: 8, Items: spear, mask, loincloth, 1d20 silver pieces.

Location 3: A cave entrance, adorned with crude drawings that look like the great stone head, leads deeper into the mountain. Inside are 4 more masked men, but on foot and wielding swords. Beyond is some sort of priest, wearing such a mask too, though even more resplendent.

Masked Swordsmen
Align: C, MV: 40', AC: 7, HD: 2, Atk: 1 (longsword), Dmg: 1d8, SV: F2, Mor: 8, Items: longsword, light armor, mask, loincloth, 3d20 silver pieces.

Masked Priest
Align: C, MV: 40', AC: 8, HD: 3, HP: 18, Atk: 1 (mace), Dmg: 1d6, SP: spells prepared (1st: Cure Light Wounds (reversed), Detect Evil), Sanctuary, Shocking Grasp*, 2nd: Hold Person, cleric abilities*, SV: C3, Mor: 9, Items: mace, holy symbol, robes, resplendent mask, loincloth, 3d20 gold pieces.

The cave also holds 6 corpses, victims of the group. The latter seem to have abandoned the worship of Zibelthiurdos in favor of some other entity that starts with the letter 'Z'. As a result, each of the masked priest's spells and abilities, in addition to rolling for magical side-effects, have a 25% chance of failure. Other items and treasure can be found here as the Referee sees fit.

Location 4: This less-adorned cave entrance leads to an intersection. To the west is another open mountain ledge. The north leads to a passage for further adventures (per Referee).  To the east is another cave, though many ominous warnings are drawn upon the floor before it.

Location 5: The feeling of this place is altogether different, uplifting. Various openings in the cave ceiling show the blue sky above. A statue stands on the eastern wall, though its head is covered. A short passage in the southeast corner leads to another mountain cliff.

Masked men with spears guard an older man who is dressed in the robes of a priest. 

Masked Spearmen
Align: C, MV: 40', AC: 8, HD: 1, Atk: 1 (spear), Dmg: 1d6, SV: F1, Mor: 8, Items: spear, mask, loincloth, 1d20 silver pieces.

The prisoner is Khalos, a kapnobatus (see Part II). He was imprisoned when the others turned on him, though Zibelthiurdos still smiles on him. Removing the cover from the statue will show the god's face as he should be portrayed.

Align: L, MV: 35', AC: 9, HD: 4, Atk: (none), HP: 8, SP: spells prepared (1st Level: Cure Light Wounds, Detect Chaos (see above), Protection from Chaos (see above), Remove Fear (reversible), 
2nd Level: Augury, Levitate*, kapnobatai abilities*, SV: C3, Mor: 11, Items: robes, loincloth.

Next week: priestesses of Bendis!