Wednesday, December 27, 2023
Tyr Encounters, Part II
Temples (Hofs) of Tyr
Form (d6)
A dutiful dwelling is required for pure faith.
1-4. Chapel
5-6. Stave Church
Node (a Natural Place of Power, see Volume II)
- Chance of hof actually being located in one (5%)
- Chance of hof having one nearby instead (15%)
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Tyr Encounters, Part I
Duty brings the wolf to heel.
Main Emphasis (d20)
1-2. Be prepared to give whatever is necessary in the name of the Law
3-4. Keep one’s word, even unto death
5-6. Purge that which is unclean before Lord Tyr’s eyes
7-8. Bring fiery doom to all witches
9-10. An idle wit leads to the heretic’s spit
11. War
12. Germanic Leader, Sky Father
13. The T Rune
14-20. All are emphasized
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Thor Encounters, Part III
Quests of Thor
Who has the might to do what's right? Roll 1d20.
1-2. Stand up to giants and other oppressors: A strongman has taken control of a local settlement, forcing the common folk into virtual enslavement. That he is actually a giant too only makes it worse (roll 1d6): [1-2] frost giant, [3] fire giant, [4] stone giant, [5-6] hill giant. See also the upcoming Volume V for additional options.
3-4. Show honor and courage! The next party member to do a straightforward thing or bravely stand their ground is gifted by Thor with +1 Strength for the next 24 hours. Of course, they also become aware of a local threat that Thor would like to be crushed too (roll 1d4): [1] a giant (see #1-2 above), [2] a troll, [3] a follower of Loki (link), [4] a giant snake!
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Thor Encounters, Part II
Temples (Hofs) of Thor
Form (d6)
A fitting location for those who are down-to-earth and strong!
1. Mead hall
2. Tavern
3. Horgr (stone shrine)
4. Lone tree
4. Lone tree
5. Hut
6. Shrine
Node (a Natural Place of Power, see Volume II)
- Chance of hof actually being located in one (25%)
- Chance of hof having one nearby instead (33%)
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Thor Encounters, Part I

Main Emphasis (d20)
1-2. Stand up to giants and other oppressors
3-4. Show honor and courage!
5-6. Become strong, not some girly-man
7-8. Enjoy strong drink and sport too!
9. Hallowing, Borders
10. Fertility
11. The oak
12-20. All are emphasized
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Skadi Encounters, Part III
Quests of Skadi
Freedoms shows clear upon the mountain expanse. Roll 1d20.
1-2. Honor the cold and highlands: A dream comes to a chosen party member to cast off their winter gear. A cold snap comes too, but if the dreamer and others they notify oblige, they will be quite chilly for 1d3 hours, but will receive a blessing from Skadi along with a natural and comfortable warmth in the interim, not needing to beg the frost giants for protection.
Freedoms shows clear upon the mountain expanse. Roll 1d20.
1-2. Honor the cold and highlands: A dream comes to a chosen party member to cast off their winter gear. A cold snap comes too, but if the dreamer and others they notify oblige, they will be quite chilly for 1d3 hours, but will receive a blessing from Skadi along with a natural and comfortable warmth in the interim, not needing to beg the frost giants for protection.
3-4. Find freedom through rugged independence: A group of Franks has taken up residence in a mountain cabin. That they wish to not serve another might be understandable, that they insist on calling it a "chalet" might not.
5-6. Hunt & ski: ‘tis the way of life: Certain hunters range in the area, outcompeting all others. Though skilled, their harnessing of the snowy slopes has given them a great advantage, until one of their number has gone missing. Those who search will well find that thurs frost giant has taken exception to their use of the wintry ways.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Skadi Encounters, Part II
Form (d12)
Likely upon a mountain, if not one entirely.
1. Mountain
2-3. Mountain Peak
2-3. Mountain Peak
4-7. Horgr (stone shrine)
8-10. Hut
8-10. Hut
11-12. Lodge
Node (a Natural Place of Power, see Volume II)
- Chance of hof actually being located in one (20%)
- Chance of hof having one nearby instead (30%)
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
Skadi Encounters, Part I
Giant mountains rise, what will her faithful follow most?
Main Emphasis (d20)
1-2. Honor the cold and highlands
3-4. Find freedom through rugged independence
5-6. Hunt & ski: ‘tis the way of life
7-8. Avoid the sea
9. Choosing mates, Having an icy heart
10-11. Setting things right
12. Noble giants, Risir
Main Emphasis (d20)
1-2. Honor the cold and highlands
3-4. Find freedom through rugged independence
5-6. Hunt & ski: ‘tis the way of life
7-8. Avoid the sea
9. Choosing mates, Having an icy heart
10-11. Setting things right
12. Noble giants, Risir
13. Scandinavia
14-20. All are emphasized
14-20. All are emphasized
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Poseidon Encounters, Part III
Quests of Poseidon
Watery adventure awaits. Will the tides cause such endeavor to become an odyssey? Roll 1d20./
1-2. Set your sails for adventure! The place the party next revisits seems different. The reason is (roll 1d4): [1] It has been occupied by followers of Athena or some of Poseidon's other rivals, [2] The tide has come in, rearranging things a bit, [3] It is actually an otherworld (see table listed under Manannan in Volume II), [4] It is actually the same, the party has just been adventuring too long.
3-4. Respect the sea, ‘tis Lord Poseidon’s domain: Sailors speak of beautiful women arising at a certain stretch of sea. Those who seek them out will find them to be (roll 1d5): [1] oceanids (see Part II),
[2] nereids (see Part II), [3] mermaids, [4] sirens (see below & link), [5] various types- reroll twice.
[2] nereids (see Part II), [3] mermaids, [4] sirens (see below & link), [5] various types- reroll twice.
5-6. 'Tis good work in avasting ye scallywags! 1d3 vagabonds are in the area, doing such vagabond things (see Volume I). 2d3 nautical types (see Part II) will soon show up too, likely doing even worse things to the vagabonds.
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Poseidon Encounters, Part I
The tides may bring all things, Poseidon will provide regardless, though some of his followers may emphasize one more than others.Main Emphasis (d20)
1-2. Set your sails for adventure!
3-4. Respect the sea, ‘tis Lord Poseidon’s domain
5-6. 'Tis good work in avasting ye scallywags!
7. There’s Poseidon’s work in earthquakes too
8-9. Horses, Horse Totem
10. Bulls, Bull Totem
11. Fish, Fish Totem
12. Rivalry with other gods
13. Abduction of potential wives, and the resulting offspring
14. Archaic, Mycenean
14. Archaic, Mycenean
15-20. All are emphasized
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
Pan Encounters, Part III
Quests of Pan
When it comes to Pan's contests, it can be unclear who is the winner. Roll 1d12.
1-2. Be wild, naturally! All encountered in this area seem to be taking on the element of a wild animal, needing to save vs. death/ make a Will save DC 10 to not act fully bestial. Followers of Pan can of course ignore this effect, but why would they want to?
3-4. Enjoy making love, it truly sets you free: The next pair to lie together will gain a blessing of Pan for the next 2d6 hours, enjoying a +1d3 bonus to all rolls as long as they abide by his tenets, which might include even more lovemaking.
5-6. Respect wild places, keep despoilers out of them! A group of orcs have come to a sacred wild place, intent on chopping down the trees, slaying the beasts, and defiling any of the faithful. Worse still, they have somehow captured a dryad and subjected her to their revolting ways; that is, until someone teaches them a fatal lesson.
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Pan Encounters, Part II
Style (d10)
1-5. Arcadian: rustic, pastoral, wild
6-7. Aeolian: free-flowing, open, wild
8. Ionian: philosophical, dignified, wild
9. Corinthian: exotic, esoteric, wild
10. Dorian: martial, somewhat organized, wild
6-7. Aeolian: free-flowing, open, wild
8. Ionian: philosophical, dignified, wild
9. Corinthian: exotic, esoteric, wild
10. Dorian: martial, somewhat organized, wild
Form (d12)
1-3. Shrine
4. Tholos (Round)
4. Tholos (Round)
5. Rectangular
6-10. Ruins
6-10. Ruins
11-12. Group of celebrants themselves
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Pan Encounters, Part I
The wild ways bring wonder. Some disciples of Pan may tend to follow one over the other, but even that might vary wildly too.
Main Emphasis (d20)
1-2. Be wild, naturally!
3-4. Enjoy making love, it truly sets you free
5-6. Respect wild places, keep despoilers out of them!
7-8. Treat animals well too
9. Pastoralism
10. Aegipan, Goat totem
9. Pastoralism
10. Aegipan, Goat totem
11. The Phallus
12. The Syrinx
13-20. All are emphasized, though even that might change
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Odin Encounters, Part III
Quests of Odin
Wherever the worlds take you, Odin will be there too. Roll 1d12.
Wherever the worlds take you, Odin will be there too. Roll 1d12.
1-2. Wisdom: A battle is occurring between 4d3 vikings and 2d2 ulfhednar (see Volume I for details for both). A random one of their number is quite wise and a party member knows it. Odin sends a sign that they must assist that viking or ulfhedinn, preserving his wisdom and perhaps gaining some of their own in the process.
3-4. Death: With a gasp, a beautiful woman is spotted by a random party member. None other can see her, but there is a sense of a very familiar, unshakeable bond. Whether a fylgja or valkyrie, it is a sign of the party member's impending death, though if a follower of Odin, it will be seen as a glorious impending of Valhalla.
5-6. Insight: The next one to make a save begins to grasp that this life and this world are not all that can be perceived. The one so affected gains the use of the Odinnic Way (see Volume I) or variant mystery of Odin for the next 24 hours, clear-minded, but not one for idle chatter. If already one of his followers, then the one affected gains a temporary mystic level during that time instead.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Odin Encounters, Part II
Form (d14)
1-2. Stave church (10% chance of being surrounded by a golden chain)
3-4. Horgr (stone shrine)
5-6. Burial Mound
3-4. Horgr (stone shrine)
5-6. Burial Mound
7-8. Great Tree or Grove
9-10. Standing Stone
9-10. Standing Stone
11-12. Well
13-14. Reroll 1d12 twice
Node (a Natural Place of Power, see Volume II)
- Chance of hof actually being located in one (25%)
- Chance of hof having one nearby instead (33%)
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Odin Encounters, Part I
Oneself to oneself, some who follow Odin emphasize certain tenets more than others. And though this choice can alter the mysteries, magical side-effects, and divine tests available to them, why they do it? No one knows.
Main Emphasis (d20)
1-2. Wisdom
3-4. Death
5-6. Insight
7-8. The Runes
9. Ravens
10. Wolves
11. The Worlds (Sleipnir), Seidr
12. True Rulership
13. Grimness
14-20. All are emphasized
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Loki Encounters, Part III
Quests of Loki
Chaos unfolds, though whether it serves the gods may be up for debate. Roll 1d12.
2. Spread deception: A very unlucky party member is led to believe that their true love awaits, thanks to coaxing love letters he receives. Pursuing this will reveal that it is certainly untrue, and he will suffer a -6 penalty to all rolls for the next 1d6 days due to the great sadness caused from her complete disinterest. Finding the follower of Loki who actually sent them might clear that up a little faster.
Chaos unfolds, though whether it serves the gods may be up for debate. Roll 1d12.
1. Spread mischief: The next individual to drink a potion in the party's presence is in for a surprise. It turns out that someone 'accidentally' switched it with a vial of poison. The drinker must save vs. poison/ make a Fortitude save DC 15 or take 4d6 damage, though if they have tasted such a potion before, then they gain a +4 bonus to the save in order to spit it out in time. Whatever the case, the drinker will feel awful from what they thought would help.
2. Spread deception: A very unlucky party member is led to believe that their true love awaits, thanks to coaxing love letters he receives. Pursuing this will reveal that it is certainly untrue, and he will suffer a -6 penalty to all rolls for the next 1d6 days due to the great sadness caused from her complete disinterest. Finding the follower of Loki who actually sent them might clear that up a little faster.
3. Breed monsters- they make life more interesting! Word is, a family has a child that no one has been allowed to see. There's a 50% chance of it being an actual monster (see #6 below for a list), otherwise it will likely act like one when finally brought around people.
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Loki Encounters, Part II
Temples (Hofs) of Loki
Form (d12)
1-2. Hole
3-4. Horgr (stone shrine)
5-8. Hut
3-4. Horgr (stone shrine)
5-8. Hut
9-10. House
11-12. Cave
11-12. Cave
Node (a Natural Place of Power, see Volume II)
- Chance of hof actually being located in one (22%)
- Chance of hof having one nearby instead (33%)
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
Loki Encounters, Part I

Followers of Loki
Some may abide by some, some may abide by all- who knows? What a follower of Loki may emphasize can also affect the mysteries, magical side-effects, and divine test results they'll experience from Volume I- or maybe not?
Main Emphasis (d14)
1. Spread mischief
2. Spread deception
2. Spread deception
3. Breed monsters- they make life more interesting!
4. Point out others’ flaws; it really helps to annoy them
5. Burn down the structures of those who would control you
6. Shapeshifting itself
6. Shapeshifting itself
7. Being a catalyst/ change/ instigation
8. Being an outcast
9-11. Reroll 1d10 twice
12-14. All are emphasized
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Hera Encounters, Part III
Quests of Hera
Whether matriarchy or matrimony, women lead, though what happens to their men isn't always clear. Roll 1d12.1. Women come first, men must follow: 1d4 men accompany an imposing woman in a servile manner. Strangely, there's a 50% chance of each one liking it.
2. Never let a man subjugate a woman! A group of 2d3 amazons are spotted, and they look determined. If asked, they will plainly state that they are out to punish an upstart male, and then will proceed to punish any males who asked before continuing on. Still, the party may wish to follow to see who their original target is.
3. A clever matriarch must carry herself well: The next female the party encounters (or if already in the party, a random member) gains 2d3 Charisma for the next 2d3 hours. Any attempts at wooing her though (except for marriage, of course), will be met with a divine test from Hera.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
Hera Encounters, Part II
Style (d6)
1-2. Ionian: smooth, matriarchal
3-4. Dorian: practical, matriarchal, 50% chance of having a historical or mythological metope
5. Corinthian: exotic, matriarchal
6. Reroll 1d5 twice, combine both styles
3-4. Dorian: practical, matriarchal, 50% chance of having a historical or mythological metope
5. Corinthian: exotic, matriarchal
6. Reroll 1d5 twice, combine both styles
Form (d6)
1. Shrine
2-5. Rectangular
6. Tholos (circular)
Number of Columns: 2d6 at ends of temple, or outside if a shrine
Temple's Access is Forbidden to (d12)
1-8. The infidelitous (no matter who)
9-10. All men (whether they've been infidelitous yet or not)
11-12. Those who are otherwise disruptive (beyond just men and the infidelitous)
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Hera Encounters, Part I
Some may heed all her tenets, while others emphasize one most of all. This choice not only determines the fashion of their beliefs, but it can also adjust the mysteries, magical side-effects, and divine test results available to them from Volume I.
Main Emphasis (d10)
1. Women come first, men must follow
2. Never let a man subjugate a woman!
3. A clever matriarch must carry herself well
4. A clever matriarch must have eyes all around her...
5. Take vengeance upon those who wrong you, especially if they are men, and especially if they have been unfaithful!
6. Otherwise be a good wife and mother
5. Take vengeance upon those who wrong you, especially if they are men, and especially if they have been unfaithful!
6. Otherwise be a good wife and mother
7. Children, child birth
8. Cattle, 'ox-eyed'
8. Cattle, 'ox-eyed'
9-10. Reroll twice
Wednesday, July 19, 2023
Hel Encounters, Part III
Quests of Hel
The Underworld awaits us all, though some may venture there sooner than later. Roll 1d12.
The Underworld awaits us all, though some may venture there sooner than later. Roll 1d12.
1. Bring death upon those chosen by Hel: The party is approached with an offer to slay a popular performer. If they pass on it, they know the Hel cultists will likely enlist someone else who won't.
2. Spread disease when needed, it aids in death: With an odd brush, a peasant passes by a little too close. He is actually infected with a debilitating disease that can only be removed by willingly giving it to someone else. The peasant knows it, and an unlucky party member will soon learn it too. Night time nightmare visits from Hel herself will remove any doubt,
3. Stop the spread of people, famine is an invaluable tool: Grain silos are being set ablaze in this region. Rumor has it that the culprit screams "to Hel with it all!" before fleeing into the night.
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Hel Encounters, Part II
Temples (Hofs) of Hel
Form (d12)
1-3. Crypt
4-6. Horgr (stone shrine)
7-8. Hut
4-6. Horgr (stone shrine)
7-8. Hut
9-10. House
11-12. Caves
11-12. Caves
Node (a Natural Place of Power, see Volume II)
- Chance of hof actually being located in one (13%)
- Chance of hof having one nearby instead (25%)
Wednesday, July 5, 2023
Hel Encounters, Part I
Followers of Hel
Some follow some of her tenets, some follow many or all. What they decide can also affect the mysteries, magical side-effects, and divine test results available from Volume I.
Main Emphasis (d12)
1. Bring death upon those chosen by Hel
2. Spread disease when needed, it aids in death
3. Stop the spread of people, famine is an invaluable tool
4. There is also a time for sloth, it slows life
5. Remain hidden
6. Witchcraft (Trolldomur/ Haliuruna)
7. The Underworld (Niflheim/ Eljudnir)
8. Snakes, monsters
5. Remain hidden
6. Witchcraft (Trolldomur/ Haliuruna)
7. The Underworld (Niflheim/ Eljudnir)
8. Snakes, monsters
9-12. Two-faced, dual nature of death/ life (reroll twice)
Wednesday, June 28, 2023
Freya Encounters, Part III
Love can bring both battle and magic. Whatever the case, Freya is there in the end, ready to receive her faithful in the halls of Folkvang. Roll 1d12.
1. Spread love (Gef): Filled with a sense of adoration, a random party member is moved to become matchmaker, pairing the next available person they spot with another who would be fitting.
2. Enjoy all that life has to offer (Horn): Pleasures abound at a place rumored nearby, with fetching maidens, flagons of mead, and magic to resolve all ails. Those who seek it may find the real challenge is leaving (requiring a save vs. spell/ Will save DC 15) instead.
3. Master the arts of passion (Mardoll): A very attractive woman walks up to a random party member and kisses him passionately. If he allows, she will then instruct him in her very talented romantic arts for the rest of the evening, though he will be (happily) at +1d3 to his mental rolls and -1d3 to his physical rolls the following day, due to all the exertion. The scent of forest fires will be a present reminder too.
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Freya Encounters, Part II
Form (d12)
1-3. Clearing
4-6. Horgr (stone shrine)
7-8. Hut
4-6. Horgr (stone shrine)
7-8. Hut
9-10. House
11-12. The Priestess's Body (quite portable, but in high demand)
11-12. The Priestess's Body (quite portable, but in high demand)
Node (a Natural Place of Power, see Volume II)
- Chance of hof actually being located in one (25%)
- Chance of hof having one nearby instead (33%)
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Freya Encounters, Part I
Followers of Freya
Though her followers may heed all her tenets, some may emphasize one most of all. This choice not only focuses the fashion of their faith, but it can also alter the mysteries, magical side-effects, and divine test results available to them from Volume I.
Main Emphasis (d16)
1. Spread love (Gef)
2. Enjoy all that life has to offer (Horn)
3. Master the arts of passion (Mardoll)
4. Master the arts of magic (Galdor)
5. Master the arts of battle (Hild)
4. Master the arts of magic (Galdor)
5. Master the arts of battle (Hild)
Wednesday, June 7, 2023
Dionysus Encounters, Part III

Quests of Dionysus
When the cups are flowing, adventure begins. Each can be used as alternate divine tests for his cleric types and/ or even as escapades for others. Roll 1d12.
1. Live a wild life (Agrios): A random party member becomes Chaotic for the next 1d6 hours. If already so, he becomes especially Chaotic, acting erratically in any case. Followers of Dionysus may know how to relieve the issue sooner, but can't understand why anyone would want to.
2. Don’t let yourself be held back by Authority, man! (Liber): A tyrant has taken over a nearby village, forcing the locals to abide by his pronouncements. There's a good 50% base chance of this being true, otherwise he's just a normal ruler who Dionysus would see toppled.
3. Lose yourself in wine (Akratophoros): The next drink a lucky party member takes whisks him away on a katabasis of his own, returning from the underworld 1d20 hours later (hopefully). Now that's some strong stuff!
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Dionysus Encounters, Part II
Temples of Dionysus
Style (d10)
1-3. Ionian: smooth, stylish
4-6. Corinthian: exotic, dramatic
7-8. Dorian: stately facade
4-6. Corinthian: exotic, dramatic
7-8. Dorian: stately facade
9-10. Reroll twice (or whatever!)
Form (d10)
1-2. Shrine
3-4. Tholos (Round)
3-4. Tholos (Round)
5-6. Rectangular
7-8. Theatre
9-10. Tavern
7-8. Theatre
9-10. Tavern
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Dionysus Encounters, Part I

Followers of Dionysus
Though his followers might end up abiding by all his tenets, some may emphasize one over all the rest. Such circumstances not only focus their approach, but it can also adjust the mysteries, magical side-effects, and divine test results available to them from Volume I.
Main Emphasis (d12)
1. Live a wild life (Agrios)
2. Don’t let yourself be held back by Authority, man! (Liber)
3. Lose yourself in wine (Akratophoros)
4. Lose yourself in music & dance (Enorches)
5. Lose yourself in theatre (Ekstasis)
6. Lose yourself in passion (Auxites)
5. Lose yourself in theatre (Ekstasis)
6. Lose yourself in passion (Auxites)
7. Help others to lose themselves too! (Eleutherios)
8. Mystery tradition (son of Zeus, rebirth, old age/ youth, Orpheus)
9. Totemic tradition (bulls, serpents, leopards, or goats, and their mythic counterparts)
10-12. (No emphasis- why would you push it??)
10-12. (No emphasis- why would you push it??)
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Athena Encounters, Part III

Quests of Athena
Athena is the patron for many adventures. Each can be incorporated into general campaigns or even used as alternate divine tests for her cleric-types with variations based on how difficult they need to be. Roll 1d20.
1. The moral course of action is always the best (Boulaia): A great prize is available, but it obviously doesn't belong to the party. The treasure even has a specific person's name labelled on it.
2. Seek justice, especially for those who cannot seek it themselves (Areia): Beset by brutal followers of Ares, a nearby hamlet seeks to hire the party to help with what little funds they have left. Accepting such treasure might be as immoral as not helping them at all.
3. Work with your skills: true talents will reveal themselves (Ergane): An excellent seamstress, who is claimed to be divinely talented, has taken up shop nearby. She will need to either be supported (if she's humble) or chastised (if not). An Arachne spirit (see Part II) will be dispatched by Athena's temple if things aren't resolved soon.
4. Stand bravely in the manner of Athena, fear no evil! (Pallas): With signs of mass destruction and crushed citizens, it is made known that a gigante is terrorizing the area (link). If outmatched, Athena will lend some protective magic items to help defeat (and skin) it.
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Athena Encounters, Part II
Style (d6)
1-2. Ionian: smooth, orderly
3-4. Dorian: practical, orderly, 50% chance of having a historical metope
5. Corinthian: exotic, orderly
6. Reroll 1d5 twice, combine both styles
3-4. Dorian: practical, orderly, 50% chance of having a historical metope
5. Corinthian: exotic, orderly
6. Reroll 1d5 twice, combine both styles
(All temples of Athena are also almost always very clean.)
Form (d6)
1. Shrine
2-6. Rectangular
Number of Columns: 2d6 at ends of temple, or outside if a shrine
Temple's Access is Forbidden to (d6)
1. Law-breakers
2. Foreigners
3. The Chaotic
4. Defilers
5. Those wearing footwear.
6. Reroll twice
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Athena Encounters, Part I
Followers of Athena
Though Athena's followers often dutifully abide by all her tenets, some emphasize one over the rest. Such choices not only focuses their approach, but it can also adjust the mysteries, magical side-effects, and divine test results available to them from Volume I.
Main Emphasis (d20)
1. The moral course of action is always the best (Boulaia)
2. Seek justice, especially for those who cannot seek it themselves (Areia)
3. Work with your skills: true talents will reveal themselves (Ergane)
4. Stand bravely in the manner of Athena, fear no evil! (Pallas)
5. Remain chaste, temperate, & obedient (Parthenos)
6-7. Hone one's tactics for victory (Nike)
8. Encourage good citizenship
9. Support owls & wisdom (Glaukopis)
6-7. Hone one's tactics for victory (Nike)
8. Encourage good citizenship
9. Support owls & wisdom (Glaukopis)
10. Local emphasis: horses, prophecy, diving, etc.
11. Vengeance upon transgressors (Medusa, Arachne, etc.)
12-20. (No emphasis- all must be espoused equally!)
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
Artemis Encounters, Part III

There are many ways to honor Artemis, some merciful, some done out of vengeance. Each can be incorporated into general campaigns for all characters, or even as alternate divine tests for her cleric-types. The number that need be affected, their relative power, and the trials to reach the quest's destination can all be taken into account in order to gauge its difficulty. Roll 1d10.
1. Care for animals (Potnia Theron): Save a Calydonian boar from mistreatment, even if it is itself hazardous. See Volume I for its stats.
2. Assist expectant mothers (Eileithyia): Rescue a mother and child from a fell gang of bandits.
3. Protect children, innocence (Brauronia): A dangerous cult has come to power, wishing to rob youth of their innocence with their perversity.
4. Protect wild places - honor barriers (Britomartis): A nearby wildland is in dire need of patrol, not only to keep the local denizens safe, but also to keep any interlopers out, including men who would wish to help.
5. Enjoy the hunt (Agrotera): Giving into primal ways, but yet resisting any other primal urges, a wild hunt is called for!
6. Savor the liberating light of the moon, transformation (Selene): An individual has gone missing, last seen on a night of the full moon. There's a good 25% chance that he hasn't been changed into something unnatural.
Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Artemis Encounters, Part II
Temples of Artemis
Sacred Space (d20)
Reflecting Greek harmony with nature, such places are often replete with (roll 1d10):
1. Animals
2. Expectant mothers
3. Children
2. Expectant mothers
3. Children
4-9. Wilderness
10. Hunting
11. Elements of the moon
12. Revenge
13-16. Another aspect of Artemis (see Part I)
13-16. Another aspect of Artemis (see Part I)
17-20. Reroll twice
Style (d4)
1. Ionian: smooth, natural, 75% chance of being somewhat painted
2. Dorian: practical, natural, 25% chance of being somewhat painted
1. Ionian: smooth, natural, 75% chance of being somewhat painted
2. Dorian: practical, natural, 25% chance of being somewhat painted
3. Corinthian: exotic, natural, 75% chance of being somewhat painted
4. Aeolian: primitive, natural, 5% chance of being somewhat painted
Wednesday, April 12, 2023
Artemis Encounters, Part I
Though Artemis's followers usually honor all her tenets, many emphasize one or a few. This choice not only guides their motivations and general personality traits, but it can also adjust the mysteries, magical side-effects, and divine test results available as written in Volume I.
Main Emphasis (d10)
1. Care for animals (Potnia Theron)
2. Assist expectant mothers (Eileithyia)
3. Protect children, innocence (Brauronia)
3. Protect children, innocence (Brauronia)
4. Protect wild places - honor sacred barriers (Britomartis)
5. Enjoy the hunt (Agrotera)
6. Savor the liberating light of the moon, transformation (Selene)
7. Protect virginity (Parthenos)
8. Honor bears (Kallisto)
7. Protect virginity (Parthenos)
8. Honor bears (Kallisto)
9. Bring harsh judgment upon those who transgress upon innocence (Keladeinē)
10. Split focus (reroll twice)
10. Split focus (reroll twice)
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