Ancestral Spirits
Traditional type and also one of their descendants (roll 1d6): [1-5] helpful, [6] ignore
Traditional type or one of their descendants (roll 1d6): [1-3] helpful, [4] chastise, [5-6] ignore
Untraditional type or a descendant of one of their enemies (roll 1d6): [1-3] attack, [4] chastise, [5-6] ignore
Untraditional type and a descendant of one of their enemies (roll 1d6): [1-5] attack, [6] ignore
None of the above (roll 1d6): [1] chastise, [2-6] ignore
*Traditional types: put the old ways, customs, and family first.
*Descendants: if unknown, there's a base 15% chance of an individual being related to an ancestral spirit or one of its enemies (equal chance of either).
*Untraditional types: openly scoff at the old ways, customs, and putting family first.
Angelic Spirits
Moral and lawful person (roll 1d8): [1-7] helpful, [8] ignore
Moral or lawful person (roll 1d6): [1-3] helpful, [4-5] chastise, [6] ignore
Immoral or chaotic person (roll 1d6): [1-2] attack, [3-4] ignore, [5-6] chastise
Immoral and chaotic person (roll 1d8): [1-7] attack, [8] chastise
None of the above (roll 1d8): [1] helpful, [2-7] ignore, [8] chastise
Demonic Spirits
Moral and lawful person (roll 1d6): [1-3] ignore, [4] tempt, [5-6] flee
Moral or lawful person (roll 1d6): [1-3] torment, [4-5] tempt, [6] attack
Immoral or chaotic person (roll 1d6): [1-2] torment, [3-4] tempt, [5-6] attack
Immoral and chaotic person (roll 1d6): [1] torment, [2-4] tempt, [5-6] attack
None of the above (roll 1d8): [1-2] torment, [3-4] tempt, [5-7] ignore, [8] attack
Elemental Spirits (roll 1d4 for type: (1) fire, (2) water, (3) earth, (4) air)
Of a personality type or nature that matches the element type (roll 1d6): [1-4] helpful, [5-6] ignore
Of a personality type or nature that matches the opposing element type (roll 1d6): [1-4] attack, [5-6] ignore
None of the above (roll 1d6): [1] attack, [2-6] ignore
Fair Maiden Spirits
Patient and insightful (2 passed Wisdom checks*) (roll 1d8): [1-7] helpful, [8] avoid
Patient or insightful (1 passed Wisdom check*) (roll 1d6): [1-4] helpful, [5-6] avoid
Impatient or brazen (1 failed Wisdom check*) (roll 1d6): [1-4] avoid, [4-6] captivate
Impatient and brazen (2 failed Wisdom checks*) (roll 1d6): [1-2] avoid, [3-6] captivate
None of the above; not likely to make Wisdom checks (roll 1d6): [1] helpful, [3-5] ignore, [6] captivate
*For DCC RPG, can use Will saves DC 15 instead of Wisdom checks.
Fey Spirits
Whimsical, light of heart, or made an attempt at placation (roll 1d8): [1-5] helpful, [6-7] ignore, [8] mischief
All others (roll 1d8): [1-2] helpful, [3-4] ignore, [5-8] mischief
Nature Spirits
Quite at home in nature and/or follows a nature divinity (roll 1d12): [1-4] helpful, [5-11] ignore, [12] attack
All others (roll 1d12): [1-2] helpful, [3-10] ignore, [11-12] attack
Totemic Spirits (roll 1d8 for type: [1] bear, [2] boar, [3] wolf, [4] lion, [5] stag, [6] bull, [7] eagle, [8] other)
Emulates and/or supports the matching beast (roll 1d6): [1-5] helpful, [6] ignore
All others (roll 1d6): [1] helpful, [2-6] ignore
Note: if sufficiently antagonized, a totemic spirit will help one of the antagonizer's enemies.
Undead Spirits
Responsible for undead spirit's original/mortal death (roll 1d12): [1] scare, [2-12] attack!
Related to or friends with the one who caused spirit's original/mortal death (roll 1d8): [1-3] scare, [4-8] attack
Bathing alone (roll 1d6): [1-2] scare, [3-6] attack
Any others during daytime (roll 1d6): [1-3] ignore, [4] scare, [5-6] flee
Any others during night (roll 1d6): [1] ignore, [2-3] scare, [4-6] attack
Spirit Actions
For specifics on how spirits can be helpful, see spirit boons in Volume II.
For those who attack, see Part I, II, III, or IV of this series or refer to landvaettir in Volume I for lighter spirits, the tests of Orcus in Volume II for darker ones. However they inflict harm, spirits will likely keep at it until either they are appeased or the target leaves the area. Remember that spirits can usually only be harmed by being turned or by other spirits or ethereal beings. Note that a spirit's attack may include an attempt at possession.
Characters can save vs. spell (or make a Will save DC 15 if using DCC RPG rules) to prevent a spirit from possessing them (where the player loses control of their character), as well as chastisement or torment (character takes a -1d6 penalty to all rolls), temptation (character is compelled to sin), captivation (character is charmed), mischief (see Foul Fey tricks in Volume I), being scared (character must flee the area), and the like.
Next week: Summary of the changes to the upcoming revised version of Volume II!