In honor of Mars and to use
the table below:
- When in melee, have each
combatant roll with each attack they make.
- The one making the attack
will gain the listed benefits if the situation applies to them. If it doesn’t apply,
then add nothing, though the result will help describe that part of the battle in
any case.
- Each benefit lasts for 1
round, keeping things interesting. For even more dramatic fights, use Battle
Events from Volume II.
- Last, skilled warriors and devout
followers of Mars and other war divinities can opt to roll a d4 to fight offensively
or a d4+4 to fight defensively instead, as each round warrants.
Roll 1d8
1. Hack: +1 to hit and damage if their
weapon is longer and/or heavier than their foe’s; +2 if both apply.
2. Slash: +1
to hit and damage if their weapon is sharp or their foe lacks body armor or a
shield; +2 if more than one applies.
3. Thrust: +1
to hit and damage if their foe lacks body armor; +3 if their weapon is also sharp
and pointed. Takes a -1 AC penalty the following round if they miss with this attack, due to being off-balance.
4. Slam: +1
to hit and damage if their weapon is heavy, blunt, or their foe lacks a shield;
+2 if more than one applies. If hit, foe also suffers -3 to their initiative roll for
the next round.
5. Parry: +1
AC bonus if wielding a sword or shield; +2 if wielding both.
6. Block: +1
AC bonus if wielding a shield or has some other sort of cover, including
adjacent allies; +2 if more than one applies.
7. Duck: +1 AC bonus if wearing a helmet or their DEX is
higher than their foe’s; +2 if both apply.
8. Dodge: +1 AC bonus if their DEX is higher than their foe’s or
they aren’t wearing body armor; +2 if both apply. If not hit, then they can
reposition themselves 5’ away for the next round.
DCC RPG Conversion notes
To hit= Attack bonus
DEX= Agility
Gaius Nicator, Sample 8th Level
Cleric of Mars
Align: L MV: 35’
AC: 2
HD: 8
Atk: 1
Dmg: 1d6+2 (+2 short sword) or 1d6+1 (+1 spear)
SP: Mars turn ability, mysteries
Spells prepared: [1st] Command, Cure Light Wounds (x2), Remove Fear, Scare*
[2nd] Bless, Delay Poison, Hold Person, Strength*
[3rd] Cure Blindness, Dispel Magic, Glyph of Warding, Prayer
[4th] Cure Serious Wounds, Exorcise
SV: C8
Mor: 11
Possessions: Holy
symbol, +1 banded armor, +1 shield, +2 short sword, +1 spear, dagger, robes, 3
days rations, 137 gold pieces, fasces-scepter, two 1st level Mars cleric
Gaius Nicator, DCC Stats
Init +2 Atk short sword +7 melee (1d6+2) or spear +6 ranged (1d6+1)
AC 17
HD 8d8
MV 25’
Act 1d20 + 1d20
SP: Mars turn ability, mysteries
Spells known: [1st] Blessing, Detect Evil, Paralysis, Protection from Evil, Food of the Gods, Resist Cold or Heat, Word of Command, Scare
[2nd] Cure Paralysis, Curse, Divine Symbol, Neutralize Poison or Disease, Restore Vitality, Strength*
[3rd] Exorcise, Remove Curse, Dispel Magic*
[4th] Affliction of the Gods
Fort +3
Ref +2
Will +5
Next week: Divinity
Encounters, Mercury!