Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Priestess of Potnia/ Minoan Clerics, Part III

Labyrinth of Minos

Potnia would test her faithful in Minoan ways....

Divine Tests
1-3. The priestess finds herself drawn into a mental Labyrinth of sorts, taking 1d6 turns to emerge and thereby understand the will of Potnia better. Perhaps Ariadne will help to lead her out?

4-9. The Minoan experiences a reduction in spells available (50% chance for each one) for the rest of the day. Roll 1d6 for each spell lost to determine what she need do in order to regain it before that time:
[1] Spend at least 1d6 turns enjoying the sea, mountains, caves, or a labyrinth
[2] Have a public meeting for 1d3 hours with at least 3 other women present, no chest coverings allowed (see picture above; 50% chance of triggering the unenlightened if not in Minoan lands)
[3] Touch a bull, snake, or related creature- it then has a base 50% chance of attacking her
[4] Sacrifice pretty objects and pour libations worth at least 3d20 gold pieces,
[5] Relax for 1d3 hours at a posh and comfortable place, preferably a palace, bereft of any walls or defensive works, but certainly having indoor plumbing
[6] Make a living sacrifice! (base 10% chance of also having to ingest it: does anyone have a slave around?)

10-12. As ‘the Lady’, Potnia was the main goddess over the pantheon, so consider this Test to be for one of the following Divinities instead. Their Linear B, Bronze Age names are listed along with their Greek, Iron Age equivalents, though the Referee should feel free to adjust any results to make them more ‘Minoan’ (matriarchal, artistic, and/or mostly pacifistic). Roll 1d10.
[1] Apaitijo (Hephaestus- see Vulcan in Volume II)
[2] Are (Ares- see Mars in Volume II)
[3] Atana (Athena- see Volume I)
[4] Atemito (Artemis- see Volume I)
[5] Diwo (Zeus- see Volume I)
[6] Diwonuso (Dionysus- see Volume I)
[7] Era (Hera- see Volume I)
[8] Ereutija (Eileithyia/Demeter- see Danu in Volume II)
[9] Paiawon (Apollo- see Volume I)
[10] Posedawone (Poseidon- see Volume I)

13-16. The power of the Great Goddess becomes immediately felt, causing all within a 120’ area of the priestess when this Labyrinth of Minos occurs to save or begin parading around and dancing unclad for the next 1d3 hours. What is more, other beings will arrive. And though they might be unclad, they are as likely to attack the participants as parade and dance (a 50% chance each). Note that if the priestess tries to counteract this Test in any way, she will lose access to all of her powers for the next 48 hours. Roll 1d4.
[1] 1d2 Griffins (50% chance of being wingless)
[2] 1d3 Medusae (see Volume I)
[3] 1d4 Minoan Daemons/Genii (lion/hippo beings- treat as Atavars click for link)
[4] 1d3 Minotaurs (see Volume I)

17+ Catastrophe! Alas, great (mostly) peaceful Minos might not last! In prediction of this, the priestess experiences one of a number of nasty fates.
[1] The priestess becomes lost in a Labyrinth for 24 hours. At the end of each day, she must make an Intelligence check in order to find a way out. If not, she must search for another 24 hours. Daedalus couldn’t escape his own, can she?
[2] 2d4 Mycenaean Warriors invade (see Part IV for stats), seeking to rule the priestess until defeated
[3] Like Pasiphae, the priestess becomes pregnant with a Minotaur. The child will be born in 1d12 months and might not be satisfied with simple milk (a base 75% chance)
[4] Like Thera, a volcano erupts within 1d20 rounds, destroying everything within a 1 mile radius of where this Test occurs.

What is more, for every Labyrinth of Minos result over 17, all results are doubled!

Next week: Priestesses of Potnia concludes with Part IV!