Clerics of
Svarog healing the faithful, with sky, fire, and people (hopefully Slavs)!
(19th century woodcut)
Healing Side-Effects (Svarog)
Always a
rural faith, those who receive healing at a Kapishche (Slavic outdoor sacred
enclosure) gain 50% extra benefit from the spell cast.
1-2. A Lawful Land, Well-worked: Being in a civilized land where people don’t
use weapons of wood or stone, where each woman only has one husband, and the
like is required for the healing to work. Who would want to be healed anywhere
else anyway?
3-4. My Many Children: As father of the Slavic Gods, Svarog is father
of all Slavic people too, and as such, requires their presence for this healing
to take place. For every level the healing spell has, 5 onlookers are needed;
only 3 are needed though if they are Slavs, just 1 if they are Slavic peasants!
5-6. The Pain is Burned Away: And what
better way to spread civilization and people than with fire! It is now a 1d6 x 10’
wide fire that is needed for the healing spell. Being a Smith God though, Svarog
will be content with a forge of any size in this case.
7-8. Under the Sky: All that is required now is
the open sky, where Svarog can look down at his lands, children, and forge
fires. If not underneath one at the time of healing, then the patient receives
it once he or she does so.
9-12. Blessing of Svarog: Not only is the patient healed for the spell’s
full amount, but if in a Lawful land, with enough people present, near an adequate
fire, and/or under the open sky (as per the aforementioned Healing
Side-Effects), then the recipient gains a +1 bonus to all rolls that take place
within 30’ of each one for the next 1d6 hours (up to +2 when more than one