Divine Tests
The flow may show what truly matters once the tide recedes.
1-11. The winds shift, and the cleric loses access to some of his spells (50% chance for each one). Roll 1d6 for the ones that are lost to determine what he needs to do to regain them.
[1] Be at or on the sea for 4d6 turns, or show off one's legs and feet for double that time if it's not nearby at least.
[2] Savor prosperity, gaining a minimum of 1d6 x 10 gps worth from the tide, the land, or in direct coin.
[3] Engage in fertility, enjoying docking your vessel to potentially father a child.
[4] Make a proper offering, ranging from 1d6 x100 gps in value.
[5] Practice kindness and generosity to another, giving what they would not expect.
[6] Quiet an unpleasant noise, lacking malice when doing so, even if it's howling.